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How to realize this dot animation using CSS or JS?




enter image description here

This GIF comes from dribbble.

I've tried to write a demo with pure CSS, here's part of my codes:

@keyframes circles{
    transform: scale(0) rotate(150deg);
    transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);

They won't rotate as a whole.

The mixing animation at the center of the gif is not required, I just want to realize the rotating effect.

Hope someone can help me.

like image 833
Jc. Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 04:07


1 Answers

This is a compound or nested movement. The break down is:

  • The dots themselves are just sliding along a straight line inwards and scaling a little bit as they travel
  • Each dot's start time is offset slightly from the last so they appear to travel in sequence, which gives the illusion of a swirl.
  • Finally, the dots would all be grouped under a parent element who's only job is to rotate.

Following this approach, you can easily apply simple translation and rotation animations to each element and still get this swirling effect.

like image 157
Soviut Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11
