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How does one pass an argument to a directive without over-writing parent scope?

I need to create a directive that acts upon table cells where the table rows are rendered using ng-repeat -- to that end I have relied in part on this answer to a question entitled "Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished". Unlike that Q&A however, I need to pass in an argument to my directive, and for this I have relied in part on this answer (to a question entitled "Angularjs - Pass argument to directive").

So in my case I've added fixed-column-tooltip for my directive, and columnselector as its argument to the <tr> as follows:

<tr fixed-column-tooltip columnselector=".td-keyField" ng-repeat="trData in trDataWatch">

But when per the second answer, I added what I've learned is an "isolate scope" to my directive, I no longer had access to the original scope necessary as per the first answer:

'use strict';


.directive('fixedColumnTooltip', function ($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            columnselector: '@'
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            if (scope.$last === true) { //undefined because not operating on original scope

Is there a way to maintain access to the original scope, but also have access to the columnselector argument?

like image 499
Dexygen Avatar asked Jan 08 '16 21:01


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The $scope in an AngularJS is a built-in object, which contains application data and methods. You can create properties to a $scope object inside a controller function and assign a value or function to it. The $scope is glue between a controller and view (HTML).

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restrict is for defining the directive type, and it can be A (Attribute), C (Class), E (Element), and M (coMment) , let's assume that the name of the directive is Doc : Type : Usage.

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$scope is a child object that is used to bind the HTML(view) & Javascript(Controller) in a webpage. It is created with the ng-app directive. It is created with the ng-controller directive. It is available globally for all the controllers, i.e, the property assigned with “$rootscope” can be used anywhere.

1 Answers

You could use,

'use strict';


.directive('fixedColumnTooltip', function ($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            columnselector: '@',
            $last: '=$last',
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            if (scope.$last === true) {

the second parameter to scope will pass $last parameter by reference.


Since the $last is only available in the scope of repeat element, you could get it from the element scope, like this

'use strict';


.directive('fixedColumnTooltip', function ($timeout) {
return {
    srestrict: 'A',
    scope: {
        columnselector: '@',
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
      var elemScope = element.scope();
      if (elemScope.$last){
like image 198
Low Flying Pelican Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Low Flying Pelican