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How to read/write partitioned Apache Arrow or Parquet files into/out of Julia

I am trying to read and write a trivial dataset into Julia. The dataset is mtcars, taken from R, with an arbitrarily added column bt with random Boolean values. The file/folder structure (below) was written out using the R arrow package.

The files are laid out as follows:

|-- bt=false
|   `-- part-1.arrow
`-- bt=true
    `-- part-0.arrow

How can I faithfully reproduce the original table in Julia?

What I've tried so far:

  1. Using the Parquet.jl package. Documentation suggests that it should automatically detect partitioning folder structure for columns of bool/string/date type. When I read the data in, using read_parquet(path; kwargs), the resulting data structure does not have the bt column. I've tried setting the column_generator keyword argument to the default Parquet.dataset_column_generator but this did not work.

  2. Using Arrow.jl - I cannot find a documented way (unless I misunderstood) to directly read in a partitioned data structure.

R does not generate additional metadata files to store the schema, but I understand this is optional and not part of the arrow spec?

like image 684
tinker Avatar asked May 17 '21 17:05


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Apache Parquet is a file format designed to support fast data processing for complex data. Unlike row-based formats like CSV, Parquet is column-oriented – meaning the values of each table column are stored next to each other rather than those of each record.

How does read_table work in Apache Parquet?

As you can learn more in the Apache Parquet format, a Parquet file consists of multiple row groups. read_table will read all of the row groups and concatenate them into a single table.

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In practice, a Parquet dataset may consist of many files in many directories. We can read a single file back with read_table: You can pass a subset of columns to read, which can be much faster than reading the whole file (due to the columnar layout):

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As you can learn more in the Apache Parquet format, a Parquet file consists of multiple row groups. read_table will read all of the row groups and concatenate them into a single table. You can read individual row groups with read_row_group:

1 Answers

Try this. They have listed a method as this

Partitions in a parquet file or dataset can also be iterated over using an iterator returned by the Tables.partitions method.

using Parquet, DataFrames
for partition in Tables.partitions(read_parquet(path))
    df = DataFrame(partition)

For further reference: https://github.com/JuliaIO/Parquet.jl

like image 146
Udara Weerasinghe Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 01:10

Udara Weerasinghe