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HowTo Install a Package in Julia 1.0



Being a 1.0 release I thought Julia would be easier to get started with. I enter package manager and, yeah, do the whole add Package thing. You can see the failure below. What's going on here? I checked the potential insteadOf fix, it doesn't help me. Kind of lost as how to proceed. I regularly use git with other frameworks on my machine, thus struggle to believe this is a git configuration issue. I'm posting this on stackOverflow, so I guess I am connected to the internet :)

(v1.0) pkg> add DataFrames
   Cloning default registries into C:\Users\uabc\.julia\registries
   Cloning registry General from "https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git
ERROR: failed to clone from https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git, erro
r: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:Net, malformed URL ';PROXY

(v1.0) pkg>
like image 858
SlightlyKosumi Avatar asked Aug 24 '18 12:08


People also ask

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Your package requirements are in the file ~/. julia/v0.

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Enter the Pkg REPL by pressing ] from the Julia REPL. To get back to the Julia REPL, press backspace or ^C.

How do I check my packages on Julia?

Julia provides Pkg. status() function to print the list of all the installed packages.

1 Answers

For 1.0 use the following command

using Pkg


like image 139
Thirumal Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 15:12
