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How to Read Value with Backslashes in json or javascript or jquery

I need to transfer value/s (Windows path) to json using jQuery Ajax so that the value will be thrown or decoded to PHP script, but it can't read value/s with backslashes in json. It must be transferred to json value with the whole path with backslashes in it.

My Sample Codes:


var file_name = "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\phpABD.tmp";

var jsonSearchContent = "{\"file_name\":\""+file_name+"\"}";

                dataType: "html",
                url: url,
                data: {sendValue:jsonSearchContent},
                complete: function (upload) {

Thanks in advance.

like image 921
Kompyuter Endyinir Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 22:02

Kompyuter Endyinir

2 Answers

Escape it.

var file_name = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\phpABD.tmp";

By the way, you don't need to use json format to send to php, just send the value directly and not necessary to do json_decode in php side.

data: {file_name: file_name},
like image 101
xdazz Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 12:02


The backslash character in javascript is used to escape special characters like tabs, carriage returns, etc. In a javascript string, if you want to represent an actual backslash character, use '\\' and it will be treated as a single backslash. Try this:

    dataType: "html",
    url: url,
    data: {
        sendValue: {
            file_name: "C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\phpABD.tmp"
    complete: function (upload) {

Here's the w3schools page on javascript strings.

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Dan Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 12:02
