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How to read the correct time/duration values from Google Spreadsheet

I'm trying to get from a time formatted Cell (hh:mm:ss) the hour value, the values can be bigger 24:00:00 for example 20000:00:00 should give 20000:


two Google Spread Sheet

if your read the Value of E1:

var total = sheet.getRange("E1").getValue();

The result is:

Sat Apr 12 07:09:21 GMT+00:09 1902

Now I've tried to convert it to a Date object and get the Unix time stamp of it:

  var date = new Date(total);
  var milsec = date.getTime();
  var hours = milsec / 1000 / 60 / 60; 



The question is how to get the correct value of 20000 ?

like image 461
patrick Avatar asked Jul 18 '13 06:07


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How do I convert a Timestamp to time in Google Sheets?

Another easy method to convert your timestamps to dates is to use the SPLIT function to split your cell on the spaces. This will put your dates in one cell, and the time part into another cell. This formula will split cells into two cells splitting them by the space.

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Click the Format option in the menu. Hover the cursor over the Number option. Go to More formats and the click on Custom number format. In the Custom number formats dialog box, enter the following format: [hh]:mm:ss.

1 Answers

Expanding on what Serge did, I wrote some functions that should be a bit easier to read and take into account timezone differences between the spreadsheet and the script.

function getValueAsSeconds(range) {
  var value = range.getValue();

  // Get the date value in the spreadsheet's timezone.
  var spreadsheetTimezone = range.getSheet().getParent().getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
  var dateString = Utilities.formatDate(value, spreadsheetTimezone, 
      'EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss');
  var date = new Date(dateString);

  // Initialize the date of the epoch.
  var epoch = new Date('Dec 30, 1899 00:00:00');

  // Calculate the number of milliseconds between the epoch and the value.
  var diff = date.getTime() - epoch.getTime();

  // Convert the milliseconds to seconds and return.
  return Math.round(diff / 1000);

function getValueAsMinutes(range) {
  return getValueAsSeconds(range) / 60;

function getValueAsHours(range) {
  return getValueAsMinutes(range) / 60;

You can use these functions like so:

var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('A1');

Needless to say, this is a lot of work to get the number of hours from a range. Please star Issue 402 which is a feature request to have the ability to get the literal string value from a cell.

like image 173
Eric Koleda Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Eric Koleda