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how to sort strings in javascript numerically

I would like to sort an array of strings (in javascript) such that groups of digits within the strings are compared as integers not strings. I am not worried about signed or floating point numbers.

for example, the result should be ["a1b3","a9b2","a10b2","a10b11"] not ["a1b3","a10b11","a10b2","a9b2"]

The easiest way to do this seems to be splitting each string on boundaries around groups of digits. Is there a pattern I can pass to String.split to split on character boundaries without removing any characters?

"abc11def22ghi".split(/?/) = ["abc","11","def","22","ghi"];

Or is there another way to compare strings that does not involve splitting them up, perhaps by padding all groups of digits with leading zeros so they are the same length?

"aa1bb" => "aa00000001bb", "aa10bb" => "aa00000010bb"

I am working with arbitrary strings, not strings that have a specific arrangement of digit groups.


I like the /(\d+)/ one liner from Gaby to split the array. How backwards compatible is that?

The solutions that parse the strings once in a way that can be used to rebuild the originals are much more efficient that this compare function. None of the answers handle some strings starting with digits and others not, but that would be easy enough to remedy and was not explicit in the original question.

["a100","a20","a3","a3b","a3b100","a3b20","a3b3","!!","~~","9","10","9.5"].sort( function ( inA , inB ) {
    var                     result = 0;

    var                     a , b , pattern = /(\d+)/;
    var                     as = inA.split( pattern );
    var                     bs = inB.split( pattern );
    var                     index , count = as.length;

    if ( ( '' === as[0] ) === ( '' === bs[0] ) ) {
        if ( count > bs.length ) count = bs.length;

        for ( index = 0 ; index < count && 0 === result ; ++index ) {
            a = as[index]; b = bs[index];

            if ( index & 1 ) {
                result = a - b;
            } else {
                result = !( a < b ) ? ( a > b ) ? 1 : 0 : -1;

        if ( 0 === result ) result = as.length - bs.length;
    } else {
        result = !( inA < inB ) ? ( inA > inB ) ? 1 : 0 : -1;

    return result;
} ).toString();

result: "!!,9,9.5,10,a3,a3b,a3b3,a3b20,a3b100,a20,a100,~~"

like image 989
drawnonward Avatar asked Nov 12 '11 20:11


People also ask

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JavaScript Array sort() The sort() sorts the elements of an array. The sort() overwrites the original array. The sort() sorts the elements as strings in alphabetical and ascending order.

What is numeric sort in JavaScript?

The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course! In JavaScript, we use the sort () method to sort numerical values. This method sorts the arrays of numbers, strings, and objects. It sorts the elements of an array and changes the order of the original array's elements.

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We can do this in JavaScript by using the sort() method directly or with the compare function. In case you are in a rush, here are the two ways: // order an array of names names. sort(); // order an array of objects with name users.

2 Answers

Another variant is to use an instance of Intl.Collator with numeric option:

var array = ["a100","a20","a3","a3b","a3b100","a3b20","a3b3","!!","~~","9","10","9.5"];
var collator = new Intl.Collator([], {numeric: true});
array.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a, b));
like image 187
Viktor Mukhachev Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Viktor Mukhachev

I needed a way to take a mixed string and create a string that could be sorted elsewhere, so that numbers sorted numerically and letters alphabetically. Based on answers above I created the following, which pads out all numbers in a way I can understand, wherever they appear in the string.

function padAllNumbers(strIn) {
    // Used to create mixed strings that sort numerically as well as non-numerically
    var patternDigits = /(\d+)/g; // This recognises digit/non-digit boundaries
    var astrIn = strIn.split( patternDigits ); // we create an array of alternating digit/non-digit groups

    var result = "";

    for (var i=0;i<astrIn.length;  i++) {
        if (astrIn[i] != "") { // first and last elements can be "" and we don't want these padded out
            if (isNaN(astrIn[i])) {
                result += astrIn[i];
            } else {
                result += padOneNumberString("000000000",astrIn[i]);
    return result;

function padOneNumberString(pad,strNum,left) {
    // Pad out a string at left (or right)
    if (typeof strNum === "undefined") return pad;
    if (typeof left === "undefined") left = true;
    var padLen =  pad.length - (""+ strNum).length;
    var padding = pad.substr(0,padLen);
    return left?  padding + strNum : strNum + padding;
like image 28
Peter Cooper Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09

Peter Cooper