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How to read JMS messages without consuming them - using ActiveMQ




I would like to know if there is any way to read a jms and actibemq messages without consuming it ?? I know messages can be consumed from the queue , yet still I want ask this question .!!

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user1697202 Avatar asked Jan 09 '13 18:01


People also ask

How do I view messages in ActiveMQ queue?

When you have created a message in a queue, the message is displayed in the list of messages on the Queues tab. You can click a message in the list to display a detailed view of the message properties and message body contents.

How do I view messages in JMS queue?

In the Administration Console, expand Services > Messaging > JMS Modules. In the JMS Modules table, click the JMS module that contains the configured queue that you want to access. In the selected JMS module's Summary of Resources table, click the queue that you want to monitor. Click the Monitoring > Statistics tab.

Does ActiveMQ support JMS?

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis supports the direct instantiation of JMS Queue, Topic and ConnectionFactory instances, so you don't have to use JNDI at all.

1 Answers

You can browse Messages on a Queue via the JMS QueueBrowser, or in ActiveMQ you can browse the contents over JMX or with the commands line tools:

ActiveMQ console tools

JMS QueueBrowser API

ActiveMQ JMX

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Tim Bish Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 13:10

Tim Bish