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A JMS for Tomcat 6 [closed]





I'm working in a Tomcat 6 java web application and I have some requirements that needs to be resolved with a JMS (message queue), but need some orientation to accomplish it.

I know that Glassfish or JBoss implements his JMS Queue, but the company doesn't want to install those.

Are there any opensource alternative to a JMS implementation that could be deployed in tomcat 6?

I researched this, but after reviewing the page it's looks like a closed project. Can anyone suggest another course?

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user1483346 Avatar asked Oct 29 '12 18:10


3 Answers

Did you check ActiveMQ integration with Tomcat


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Arun Manivannan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10

Arun Manivannan

I would definitely consider ActiveMQ.

It is very widely used and has a very active user community.

It has lots of advanced features and even supports Enterprise Integration Patterns.

And finally it integrates well into a Spring based application.

Active MQ

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Sashi Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10


In general, most JMS queue implementations will be standalone apps. However, you can still deploy your app in Tomcat, and either code directly to the JMS api, or using something like spring-jms or spring-integration to make it easier for yourself.

As people have said, ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ are two very good options for JMS.

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Matt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
