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How to read integers from a file that are 24bit and little endian using Python?

Is there an easy way to read these integers in? I'd prefer a built in method, but I assume it is possible to do with some bit operations.

I thought of another way to do it that is different to the ways below and in my opinion is clearer. It pads with zeros at the other end, then shifts the result. No if required because shifting fills with whatever the msb is initially.

struct.unpack('<i','\0'+ bytes)[0] >> 8
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simonb Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 01:09


4 Answers

Python's struct module lets you interpret bytes as different kinds of data structure, with control over endianness.

If you read a single three-byte number from the file, you can convert it thus:

struct.unpack('<I', bytes + '\0')

The module doesn't appear to support 24-bit words, hence the '\0'-padding.

EDIT: Signed numbers are trickier. You can copy the high-bit, and set the high bit to zero because it moves to the highest place of 4 bytes (the last \xff has it).:

struct.unpack('<i', bytes + ('\0' if bytes[2] < '\x80' else '\xff'))

Or, for python3 (bytes is a reserved word, checking a byte of a byte array gives an int):

struct.unpack('<i', chunk + ('\0' if chunk[2] < 128 else '\xff'))
like image 187
Marcelo Cantos Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 07:11

Marcelo Cantos

Are your 24-bit integers signed or unsigned? Bigendian or littleendian?

struct.unpack('<I', bytes + '\x00')[0] # unsigned littleendian
struct.unpack('>I', '\x00' + bytes)[0] # unsigned bigendian

Signed is a little more complicated ... get the unsigned value as above, then do this:

signed = unsigned if not (unsigned & 0x800000) else unsigned - 0x1000000
like image 39
John Machin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 06:11

John Machin

If you don't mind using an external library then my bitstring module could be helpful here.

from bitstring import ConstBitStream
s = ConstBitStream(filename='some_file')
a = s.read('uintle:24')

This reads in the first 24 bits and interprets it as an unsigned little-endian integer. After the read s.pos is set to 24 (the bit position in the stream), so you can then read more. For example if you wanted to get a list of the next 10 signed integers you could use

l = s.readlist('10*intle:24')

or if you prefer you could just use slices and properties and not bother with reads:

a = s[0:24].uintle

Another alternative if you already have the 3 bytes of data from you file is just to create and interpret:

a = ConstBitStream(bytes=b'abc').uintle
like image 4
Scott Griffiths Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 06:11

Scott Griffiths

Python 3 Method

In Python 3 I prefer using int.from_bytes() to convert a 3 byte representation into a 32 bit integer. No padding needed.

value = int.from_bytes(input_data[0:3],'big',signed=True)

or just

value = int.from_bytes(input_data)

If your array is only 3 bytes and representation is default.

like image 3
Georg W. Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 05:11

Georg W.