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How to read hdf5 file in javascript inside browser

I have hdf5 file created using c++ application.i want to read the same hdf5 file inside browser using javascript.

Hdf5 file will be download from server using xhr or web socket request and the content of the file will be stored in javascript variable then i want to read the content of the variable.

Please tell me any javascript library available to read the hdf5 inside browser.

i tried "https://github.com/HDF-NI/hdf5.node" but it supports only for nodejs.

Is it possible to convert the above library to support reading inside browser.

like image 956
Srinivas Avatar asked Jul 21 '16 12:07


1 Answers

It is only able to read a subset of HDF5 files, but this is something that works: https://github.com/usnistgov/jsfive

It basically covers all the files that can be read by the pyfive library (https://github.com/jjhelmus/pyfive), as it is a direct port of that library.

like image 157
Brian Maranville Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

Brian Maranville