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persist sibling ui-views when changing state - ui-router

This question is based on "How can I persist sibling ui-views when changing state" (plunker).

I try to keep a view (content) unchanged, when I change the state in the main navigation (mainNav).

The content should only be set by the sub navigation, and remain when changing the main navigation.

Is there a possibility to remain a view in ui-router, even if the state is left?

angular.module('MyApp', [
  .config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


    .state('index', {
      url: '/',
      views: {
      '@': {
        templateUrl: 'layout.html'
      'mainNav@index': {
        template: '<a ui-sref="Main3">Main3 - with sub</a><br />'
                + '<a ui-sref="Main4">Main4 - with sub</a>'
      'subNav@index' : {
        template: '<p>This is the sub navigation</p>'
      'content@index': {
        template: '<p>Content shared for MAINs</p>'
  .state('Main3', {
    parent: 'index', 
    url: '/Main3',
    views: {
      /*'mainNav': {

      'subNav': {
        template: '<a ui-sref="Main3.Sub1">Main3.Sub1</a><br />'
        + '<a ui-sref="Main3.Sub2">Main3.Sub2</a>'
  .state('Main4', {
    parent: 'index', 
    url: '/Main4',
    views: {
      'subNav': {
        template: '<a ui-sref="Main4.Sub1">Main4.Sub1</a><br />'
        + '<a ui-sref="Main4.Sub2">Main4.Sub2</a>'

   .state('Main3.Sub1', {
    url: '/Sub1',
    views: { 'content@index': { template: 'Content of Main3.Sub1' } }
  .state('Main3.Sub2', {
    url: '/Sub2',
    views: { 'content@index': { template: 'Content of Main3.Sub2' } }
  .state('Main4.Sub1', {
    url: '/Sub1',
    views: { 'content@index': { template: 'Content of Main4.Sub1' } }
  .state('Main4.Sub2', {
    url: '/Sub2',
    views: { 'content@index': { template: 'Content of Main4.Sub2' } }


I found Persist state when changing to another state, but it doesn't solve the problem completely. The state is persistent, but there is no consideration of remaining a view consistent when navigating to a different state.

like image 379
Stefan Avatar asked Apr 09 '16 08:04


2 Answers

Yes it is and it's quite easy however it has its limitation : store the data you need in the parent's scope.

$state.state('parent', {

$state.state('parent.child1', {

$state.state('parent.child2', {
// in Parent controller
$scope.context = {};// it important to create a intermediary field that will store the data, otherwise you might have a problem with scopes inheritance

// in Child controller
$scope.context.toto = 'titi';

// in other child controller $scope.context.toto = 'woof';

Note : i don' know if this will work if you use controllerAs syntax.

I personnally use it for a multi page form with next/back buttons in it.

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Walfrat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11


Walfrat's answer seems correct. I'm just trying to elaborate, and maybe understand what you're looking for. Here's what I think you're asking for:

// app.js 
  .state('nav', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: 'app/templates/nav.html',
    controller: 'NavCtrl as nav',
    abstract: true
  .state('nav.subNav', {
    url: 'subNav/',
    templateUrl: 'app/templates/subNav.html',
    controller: 'subNavCtrl as subNav',
    abstract: true
  .state('nav.subNav.index', {
    url: 'index',
    templateUrl: 'app/templates/index.html',
    controller: 'IndexCtrl as index'

In this example, you can set the default view by including abstract: true in the nav state (note: I've never tried it three states deep, but it works with two states). This may give you the effect you are looking for.

As for having sub-navigations as views, it's should be possible, but I'm not sure if it's recommended to have deep nested views like that. Is this close to what you're looking for?

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Onyooo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
