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How to read .fit file from the disk





I have requirement to create asp .net application that will upload garmin .fit files and store it to Database.

I'm trying to use Garmin Communicator Plugin API to read .fit file from a disk, but I'm unable to read data that is located on my hard disk(I do not have any Garmin Device).

Do you know is this possible to achive with Garmin Communicator Plugin API and how it could be done?Or you think there is some other possibility?

App should be something like this one


Thanks in advance

like image 365
Minja Avatar asked Oct 13 '12 08:10


People also ask

How do I view a .FIT file?

GPXSee is a free and open-source GPS file viewer software for Windows 10. Using it, you can import and view FIT files. It also lets you view KML, GPX, TCX, LOC, and more GPS files. As you open a FIT file, it shows and highlights tracks, routes, and waypoints on a map.

How do I extract fit files?

Export the FIT file from Garmin Connect. Select the activity you want to export in Garmin Connect, and select the small wheel on the right. This will download the file (most likely into your download folder). If you exported as Original, you need to extract the FIT file from the archive.

How do I open a Zwift fit file?

Navigate to zwift.com/feed and click on Just Me. Find your missing activity and view the activity page. Click on the Gear Icon (Activity Settings), and under Fit File, download the activity file. Open this page on the Strava website, click Choose Files and select the FIT file.

1 Answers

You may have a look at the fit-sdk.

Check also this excellent converter to GPX format (link is dead as of Aug-2017): https://code.google.com/p/speelterrein/

like image 101
julien Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
