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How to read an animated gif with alpha channel

While doing some tests with .gif animations in MATLAB I realised that somehow I can't read the transparency of the gif.


enter image description here

(Original source of the gif)

If I do


img is 4D with a redundant 3rd dimension (weird). After squeezing it (img=squeeze(img);), if I show it (imshow(img(:,:,30),cmap)):

enter image description here

The transparency is gone, using another color from the image as background, thus deleting features. However


returns an empty alpha. Obviously the information of the alpha is in the image somewhere, how can I read it in MATLAB?

like image 970
Ander Biguri Avatar asked Jan 23 '16 23:01

Ander Biguri

People also ask

Can GIFs have alpha channels?

No, the GIF format does not support alpha-channel transparency like PNG does. You can only select one out of the 256 possible colors in a GIF to be transparent.

Does GIF support alpha transparency?

Can parts of GIF be made semi-transparent? Unfortunately no, the GIF format doesn't support partial (alpha-channel) transparency, meaning any pixel can only be fully tansparent or fully opaque, so it's not possible to make partially transparent GIFs and achieve anti-aliasing effect against different backgrounds.

Do GIF files support transparency?

The GIF and PNG formats also both support transparency. If you need any level of transparency in your image, you must use either a GIF or a PNG. GIF images (and also PNG) support 1-color transparency. This basically means that you can save your image with a transparent background.

1 Answers

/Update: I made the code available at MATLAB file exchange. The published version is compatible to OCTAVE and comes with some documentation.

I came up with this solution. Return arguments are the stacked images, the colormap and the index corresponding to transparency.

%do not use, instead use: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/55693-transparentgifread-filename-
function [stack,map,transparent]=transparentGifRead(filename)
if ~exist(filename,'file')
    error('file %s does not exist',filename);
%Check if color map for all frames is the same
if any(any(any(diff(cat(3,info.ColorTable),[],3))))
    error('inconsistent color map')
%Check if transparent color for all frames is the same
if any(diff([info.TransparentColor]))
    error('inconsistent transparency information')
import java.io.*
str = javax.imageio.ImageIO.createImageInputStream(java.io.File(filename));
t = javax.imageio.ImageIO.getImageReaders(str);
reader = t.next();
numframes = reader.getNumImages(true);
for imageix = 1:numframes
    data = reader.read(imageix-1).getData();
    height = data.getHeight();
    width = data.getWidth();
    data2 = reader.read(imageix-1).getData().getPixels(0,0,width,height,[]);
    if imageix == 1
    %row major vs column major fix
    stack(:,:,1,imageix) = reshape(data2,[width height]).';%'

Some demonstration code to colour the transparent pixels green:

map(transparent+1,:)=[0,1,0] %offset 1 because uint8 starts at 0 but indices at 1
for frame=1:size(stack,ndims(stack))
like image 52
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
