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How to read a specific amount of characters from a text file

I tried to do it like this

 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char b[2];
    ifstream f("prad.txt");
    f>>b ;
    cout <<b;
    return 0;

It should read 2 characters but it reads whole line. This worked on another language but doesn't work in C++ for some reason.

like image 373
user1242967 Avatar asked Mar 01 '12 15:03


People also ask

How do you read the number of characters in Python?

In Python, you can get the length of a string str (= number of characters) with the built-in function len() .

1 Answers

You can use read() to specify the number of characters to read:

char b[3] = "";
ifstream f("prad.txt");

f.read(b, sizeof(b) - 1); // Read one less that sizeof(b) to ensure null
cout << b;                // terminated for use with cout.
like image 103
hmjd Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
