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How to read a nodejs stream in angular?

In nodejs I send a stream to clients like this:

DockerService.get().pull('my/image', function(err, stream) {
  if (err) {
    return res.badRequest(err);
  } else {
    return stream.pipe(res);

This is triggered from a angularjs client using $http.get:

pull: function() {
  var url = ENV.apiEndpoint + '/docker/pull';
  var promise = $http.get(url).success(function(response) {
    return response;
  }).error(function(data, status) {

  return promise;

However I cannot read the stream. From angular I get an error message:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
    at Object.parse (native)
    at fromJson (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:1065:14)
    at defaultHttpResponseTransform (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8579:16)
    at file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8664:12
    at forEach (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:323:20)
    at transformData (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:8663:3)
    at transformResponse (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:9389:23)
    at processQueue (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:13189:27)
    at file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:13205:27
    at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (file://build/vendor/angular/angular.js:14401:28)

I cannot find any information on how to handle streams in angular. Can you help me out?


enter image description here

The response is too large to present it here, so here is the first part of it:

enter image description here


enter image description here

like image 890
UpCat Avatar asked Mar 08 '15 17:03


1 Answers

So that's not valid JSON, it's a series of newline-delimited (presumably) JSON messages. That's what the "unexpected token '{'" means. Angular's built-in parser doesn't support that out of the box. The question isn't really about streaming vs. buffered data, it's just a body format angularjs doesn't directly support. You'll need to ensure angular's built-in parser is bypassed and then you can split the string on newline and try/catch parsing each line as a JSON object.

FYI to my knowledge the best module for streaming into the browser is oboe.js. You may be able to use RonB/angular-oboe coupled with some code to buffer each line then parse the ndjson syntax into a stream of JS objects.

like image 170
Peter Lyons Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Peter Lyons