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How to read a file line by line in Julia?




How do I open a text file and read it line by line? There are two different cases I'm interested in answers for:

  1. Get all the lines in an array at once.
  2. Process each line one at a time.

For the second case I don't want to have to keep all the lines in memory at one time.

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StefanKarpinski Avatar asked Sep 30 '19 14:09


People also ask

How do I read a file to Julia?

File handling in Julia is achieved using functions such as open(), read(), close(). There are many ways to read the contents of a file like readline(), readlines() and just read(). open(): To open a file existing in an absolute path, provided as the parameter. read(): Read the contents of the file into a single string.

How do I write to a text file in Julia?

File Handling in Julia We can write in an existing file in Julia by using the write(fileobject, string) method. To write in a file, we need to open the file in write mode. To do so, we have to pass "w" in the mode argument. The most important step while writing a file is to close the file after the computation.

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1 Answers

Reading a file into memory all at once as an array of lines is just a call to the readlines function:

julia> words = readlines("/usr/share/dict/words") 235886-element Array{String,1}:  "A"  "a"  "aa"  ⋮  "zythum"  "Zyzomys"  "Zyzzogeton" 

By default this discards the newlines but if you want to keep them, you can pass the keyword argument keep=true:

julia> words = readlines("/usr/share/dict/words", keep=true) 235886-element Array{String,1}:  "A\n"  "a\n"  "aa\n"  ⋮  "zythum\n"  "Zyzomys\n"  "Zyzzogeton\n" 

If you have an already opened file object you can also pass that to the readlines function:

julia> open("/usr/share/dict/words") do io            readline(io) # throw out the first line            readlines(io)        end 235885-element Array{String,1}:  "a"  "aa"  "aal"  ⋮  "zythum"  "Zyzomys"  "Zyzzogeton" 

This demonstrates the readline function, which reads a single line from an open I/O object, or when given a file name, opens the file and reads the first line from it:

julia> readline("/usr/share/dict/words") "A" 

If you don't want to load the file contents all at once (or if you're processing streaming data like from a network socket), then you can use the eachline function to get an iterator that produces lines one at a time:

julia> for word in eachline("/usr/share/dict/words")            if length(word) >= 24                println(word)            end        end formaldehydesulphoxylate pathologicopsychological scientificophilosophical tetraiodophenolphthalein thyroparathyroidectomize 

The eachline function can, like readlines, also be given an opened file handle to read lines from. You can also "roll your own" iterator by opening the file and calling readline repeatedly:

julia> open("/usr/share/dict/words") do io            while !eof(io)                word = readline(io)                if length(word) >= 24                    println(word)                end            end        end formaldehydesulphoxylate pathologicopsychological scientificophilosophical tetraiodophenolphthalein thyroparathyroidectomize 

This is equivalent to what eachline does for you and it's rare to need to do this yourself but if you need to, the ability is there. For more information about reading a file character by character, see this question and answer: How do we use julia to read through each character of a .txt file, one at a time?

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StefanKarpinski Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
