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How to quickly fill a numpy array with values from separate calls to a function

I want to fill a numpy array with generated values. These values are generated by a generator function. The array length is not too long, <100 usually, but this array is generated many times, so I wanted to know if it can be optimized with some fancy usage of numpy.

So far I can already do it with vanilla python:

def generate():
   return generated_data

array = np.asarray([generate() for _ in range(array_length)])

I've also tried to use np.full(shape, fill_value):

np.full((array_length, generated_data_size), generate())

But this is calls the generate() function only once, not once for every index in the array.

I've also tried np.vectorize(), but I couldn't make it generate a appropriately shaped array.

like image 291
Maxis Avatar asked Apr 11 '19 10:04


People also ask

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If we have an array and want to append rows to it inside a loop, we can easily use the np. empty() function. Now, we can then append new rows to the empty array with numpy. append() function.

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array(a) . List append is faster than array append .

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You can fill an existing array with a specific value using numpy. fill() . Alternatively, you can initialize a new array with a specific value using numpy. full() .

1 Answers

There is nothing NumPy can do to accelerate the process of repeatedly calling a function not designed to interact with NumPy.

The "fancy usage of numpy" way to optimize this is to manually rewrite your generate function to use NumPy operations to generate entire arrays of output instead of only supporting single values. That's how NumPy works, and how NumPy has to work; any solution that involves calling a Python function over and over again for every array cell is going to be limited by Python overhead. NumPy can only accelerate work that actually happens in NumPy.

If NumPy's provided operations are too limited to rewrite generate in terms of them, there are options like rewriting generate with Cython, or using @numba.jit on it. These mostly help with computations that involve complex dependencies from one loop iteration to the next; they don't help with external dependencies you can't rewrite.

If you cannot rewrite generate, all you can do is try to optimize the process of getting the return values into your array. Depending on array size, you may be able to save some time by reusing a single array object:

In [32]: %timeit x = numpy.array([random.random() for _ in range(10)])
The slowest run took 5.13 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an
 intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 5: 5.44 µs per loop
In [33]: %%timeit x = numpy.empty(10)
   ....: for i in range(10):
   ....:     x[i] = random.random()
The slowest run took 4.26 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an
 intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 5: 2.88 µs per loop

but the benefit vanishes for larger arrays:

In [34]: %timeit x = numpy.array([random.random() for _ in range(100)])
10000 loops, best of 5: 21.9 µs per loop
In [35]: %%timeit x = numpy.empty(100)
   ....: for i in range(100):
   ....:     x[i] = random.random()
10000 loops, best of 5: 22.8 µs per loop
like image 50
user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

user2357112 supports Monica