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Javascript - parse string to long

I have a working script in python doing string to integer conversion based on specified radix using long(16):

modulusDecoded = long(public_key["n"], 16)

which prints: 8079d7ae567dd2c02dadd1068843136314fa3893fa1fb1ab331682c6a85cad62b208d66c9974bbbb15d52676fd9907efb158c284e96f5c7a4914fd927b7326c40efa14922c68402d05ff53b0e4ccda90bbee5e6c473613e836e2c79da1072e366d0d50933327e77651b6984ddbac1fdecf1fd8fa17e0f0646af662a8065bd873

and 90218878289834622370514047239437874345637539049004160177768047103383444023879266805615186962965710608753937825108429415800005684101842952518531920633990402573136677611127418094912644368840442620417414685225340199872975797295511475162170060618806831021437109054760851445152320452665575790602072479287289305203

respectively. This looks like a Hex to decimal conversion. I tried to have the same result in JS but parseInt() and parseFloat() produce something completely different. On top of that JavaScript seems not to like chars in input string and sometimes returns NaN.

Could anyone please provide a function / guidance how to get the same functionality as in Python script?

like image 646
darth0s Avatar asked Sep 27 '17 12:09


People also ask

Can we parse string to long?

There are many methods for converting a String to a Long data type in Java which are as follows: Using the parseLong() method of the Long class. Using valueOf() method of long class. Using constructor of Long class.

Can string be converted to long Java?

We can convert String to long in java using Long. parseLong() method.

1 Answers

Numbers in JavaScript are floating point so they always lose precision after a certain digit. To have unlimited numbers one could rather use an array of numbers from 0 to 9, which has an unlimited range. To do so based on the hex string input, i do a hex to int array conversion, then I use the double dabble algorithm to convert the array to BCD. That can be printed easily:

const hexToArray = arr => arr.split("").map(n => parseInt(n,16));

const doubleDabble = arr => {
  var l = arr.length;
  for( var b = l * 4; b--;){

    //add && leftshift
    const overflow = arr.reduceRight((carry,n,i) => {

      //apply the >4 +3, then leftshift
      var shifted = ((i < (arr.length - l ) && n>4)?n+3:n ) << 1;

      //just take the right four bits and add the eventual carry value
      arr[i] = (shifted & 0b1111) | carry;

      //carry on
      return shifted > 0b1111;
    }, 0);
    // we've exceeded the current array, lets extend it:
    if(overflow) arr.unshift(overflow);
  return arr.slice(0,-l);

const arr = hexToArray("8079d7");
const result = doubleDabble(arr);      

Try it

like image 86
Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Jonas Wilms