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How to query jsonb arrays with IN operator

I'm looking for a way to query postgres jsonb field with kind of "IN" clause inside an array.

Let's assume I have a table

   id uuid,
   test_content jsonb,

INSERT INTO test (id, test_content) VALUES 
('aa82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18', '[{"label":"a","label1":"1"},{"label":"b","label1":"2"}]'),
('ba82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18', '[{"label":"c","label1":"3"}]'),
('da82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18', '[{"label":"d","label1":"4"}]');

I need to select rows where label inside test_content's array might be b or d.

I tried

FROM test 
WHERE test_content @> '[{"label":"b"}]' OR test_content @> '[{"label":"d"}]'

but when I want to extend my query with label1 containing 2 or 3 it gets complicated...

What I need is kind of WHERE label IN ('b','d') AND label1 IN ('2','3')

Is it possible with jsonb operators?

like image 203
hopsey Avatar asked Apr 13 '18 11:04


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1 Answers

Short answer

You can use the function jsonb_array_elements() in a lateral join and use its result value in complex expressions in the WHERE clause:

FROM test t
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(test_content)
WHERE value->>'label' IN ('b', 'd')
AND value->>'label1' IN ('2', '3')


The query may return duplicated rows when the filter conditions are fulfilled in more than one element of the array in a single row, e.g.

FROM test t
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(test_content)
WHERE value->>'label' IN ('a', 'b')

                  id                  |                          test_content                          
 aa82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18 | [{"label": "a", "label1": "1"}, {"label": "b", "label1": "2"}]
 aa82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18 | [{"label": "a", "label1": "1"}, {"label": "b", "label1": "2"}]
(2 rows)    

Hence it may be reasonable to use DISTINCT in the SELECT list:

FROM test t
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(test_content)
WHERE value->>'label' IN ('a', 'b')

or EXISTS in the WHERE clause, which may be a bit faster:

FROM test t
    FROM jsonb_array_elements(test_content)
    WHERE value->>'label' IN ('a', 'b')

You can also select matching array elements in cases where this information is needed:

SELECT id, value
FROM test t
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(test_content)
WHERE value->>'label' IN ('a', 'b')

                  id                  |             value             
 aa82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18 | {"label": "a", "label1": "1"}
 aa82a8b8-33ef-4937-bd8c-8a4b40960f18 | {"label": "b", "label1": "2"}
(2 rows)


The jsonb_array_elements() function is expensive. For larger tables the use of the function may be questionable due to heavy server load and the long execution time of a query.

While a GIN index can be used for queries with the @> operator:

CREATE INDEX ON test USING GIN (test_content)

in case of the function this is not possible. Queries supported by the index can be up to several dozen times faster than those using the function.

like image 91
klin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
