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How to query cloudwatch logs using boto3 in python

I have a lambda function that writes metrics to Cloudwatch. While, it writes metrics, It generates some logs in a log-group.

INFO:: username: [email protected] ClinicID: 7667 nodename: MacBook-Pro-2.local  INFO:: username: [email protected] ClinicID: 7667 nodename: MacBook-Pro-2.local  INFO:: username: [email protected] ClinicID: 7668 nodename: MacBook-Pro-2.local  INFO:: username: [email protected] ClinicID: 7667 nodename: MacBook-Pro-2.local 

I would like to query AWS logs in past x hours where x could be anywhere between 12 to 24 hours, based on any of the params.

For ex:

  1. Query Cloudwatch logs in last 5 hours where ClinicID=7667


  1. Query Cloudwatch logs in last 5 hours where ClinicID=7667 and username='[email protected]'


  1. Query Cloudwatch logs in last 5 hours where username='[email protected]'

I am using boto3 in Python. Can I have a direction on this please?

like image 823
S Khurana Avatar asked Dec 08 '19 21:12

S Khurana

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What can I do with boto3 in AWS CloudWatch?

In this article, we’ve covered examples of using Boto3 for writing, exploring, monitoring, and managing logs, metrics, and events in AWS CloudWatch. We’ve also looked at creative ways to bring out useful visualizations using CloudWatch dashboards.

What is cloudwatchlogs in AWS?

class CloudWatchLogs. Client ¶ You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your log files from EC2 instances, CloudTrail, and other sources.

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Boto3 library provides a convenient wrapper around the CloudWatchLogs API, Cloudwatch API, and EventBridge API. This article covers CloudWatch logs, metrics, alarms, and dashboards programmatically by using the Boto3 AWS SDK for Python.

How to get activity from Cloudwatch Logs?

You can get what you want using CloudWatch Logs Insights. Show activity on this post. You can achieve this with the cloudWatchlogs client and a little bit of coding. You can also customize the conditions or use JSON module for a precise result. You can use describe_log_streams to get the streams.

2 Answers

You can get what you want using CloudWatch Logs Insights.

You would use start_query and get_query_results APIs: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/logs.html

To start a query you would use (for use case 2 from your question, 1 and 3 are similar):

import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time  client = boto3.client('logs')  query = "fields @timestamp, @message | parse @message \"username: * ClinicID: * nodename: *\" as username, ClinicID, nodename | filter ClinicID = 7667 and username='[email protected]'"    log_group = '/aws/lambda/NAME_OF_YOUR_LAMBDA_FUNCTION'  start_query_response = client.start_query(     logGroupName=log_group,     startTime=int((datetime.today() - timedelta(hours=5)).timestamp()),     endTime=int(datetime.now().timestamp()),     queryString=query, )  query_id = start_query_response['queryId']  response = None  while response == None or response['status'] == 'Running':     print('Waiting for query to complete ...')     time.sleep(1)     response = client.get_query_results(         queryId=query_id     ) 

Response will contain your data in this format (plus some metadata):

{   'results': [     [       {         'field': '@timestamp',         'value': '2019-12-09 17:07:24.428'       },       {         'field': '@message',         'value': 'username: [email protected] ClinicID: 7667 nodename: MacBook-Pro-2.local\n'       },       {         'field': 'username',         'value': '[email protected]'       },       {         'field': 'ClinicID',         'value': '7667'       },       {         'field': 'nodename',         'value': 'MacBook-Pro-2.local\n'       }     ]   ] } 
like image 92
Dejan Peretin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Dejan Peretin

You can achieve this with the cloudWatchlogs client and a little bit of coding. You can also customize the conditions or use JSON module for a precise result.


You can use describe_log_streams to get the streams. If you want only the latest, just put limit 1, or if you want more than one, use for loop to iterate all streams while filtering as mentioned below.

    import boto3      client = boto3.client('logs')       ## For the latest     stream_response = client.describe_log_streams(         logGroupName="/aws/lambda/lambdaFnName", # Can be dynamic         orderBy='LastEventTime',                 # For the latest events         limit=1                                  # the last latest event, if you just want one         )      latestlogStreamName = stream_response["logStreams"]["logStreamName"]       response = client.get_log_events(         logGroupName="/aws/lambda/lambdaFnName",         logStreamName=latestlogStreamName,         startTime=12345678,         endTime=12345678,     )      for event in response["events"]:         if event["message"]["ClinicID"] == "7667":             print(event["message"])         elif event["message"]["username"] == "[email protected]":             print(event["message"])         #.         #.         # more if or else conditions      ## For more than one Streams, e.g. latest 5     stream_response = client.describe_log_streams(         logGroupName="/aws/lambda/lambdaFnName", # Can be dynamic         orderBy='LastEventTime',                 # For the latest events         limit=5                                           )      for log_stream in stream_response["logStreams"]:         latestlogStreamName = log_stream["logStreamName"]          response = client.get_log_events(              logGroupName="/aws/lambda/lambdaFnName",              logStreamName=latestlogStreamName,              startTime=12345678,              endTime=12345678,         )         ## For example, you want to search "ClinicID=7667", can be dynamic          for event in response["events"]:            if event["message"]["ClinicID"] == "7667":              print(event["message"])            elif event["message"]["username"] == "[email protected]":              print(event["message"])            #.            #.            # more if or else conditions    

Let me know how it goes.

like image 34
Sanny Patel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 00:09

Sanny Patel