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How to query all the files checked out by a user in Visual Studio 2012 TFS

This question is not a duplicate of Other users checkouts are not visible in Source Control Explorer (TFS Express)

In contrast to Other users checkouts are not visible in Source Control Explorer (TFS Express) , I can see who has checked out a specific file in Source Control Explorer.

What I want to have is a way to query where I enter the username, and get a list of files he or she has checked out.

This used to be possible in VS2010. However, I don't seem to find the equivalent dialog in Visual Studio 2012.

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Brk Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 14:07


People also ask

How do I see all checked out files in TFS?

Right-click on the highest level that you want to search for checked out files (like the root of the project collection) and click the Find menu –> Find by Status. Recursive, and click Status. Click Find. This will give you a list of all the files that are checked out.

1 Answers

You can do it from the commandline, using tf.exe status

Microsoft (R) TF - Team Foundation Version Control Tool, Version 11.0.60315.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Displays information about pending changes to items in one or more workspaces.

tf status [itemspec] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]
          | [/shelveset:shelvesetname[;shelvesetowner]])
          [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive] [/user:(*|username)]

Or using the Team foundation Server Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012.

Team Explorer Enhancements

This tool provides additional Visual Studio menu options and functions to support finding files under version control by status or wildcard, opening a folder using File Explorer from the Source Control Explorer context menu, and labeling files and folders in Source Control Explorer. Clone builds definitions easily and copy work item paths. Collaborate and share with your teammates within Visual Studio using the new Team Members page in the Team Explorer tool window. You can communicate with your team through instant messaging, share queries and components, create workspace templates, and track your sprint progress.

like image 194
jessehouwing Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10
