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How to query a date in HQL (Hibernate) with Joda Time?

I am sure that someone familiar with HQL (I am myself a newbie) can easily answer this question.

In my Grails application, I have the following domain class.

class Book {
  org.joda.time.DateTime releaseDate //I use the PersistentDateTime for persisting via Hibernate (that use a DATETIME type for MySQL DB)

In my HQL query, I want to retrieve books whose release date is included in range date1..date2

For instance I tried:

DateTime date1, date2
def queryStr = "select * from Book as b where b.releaseDate > $date1 and b.releaseDate < $date2" 
def res = Book.executeQuery(queryStr)

But I got the exception ...caused by: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: unexpected token: The error token points to date format (for instance 2009-11-27T21:57:18.010+01:00 or Fri Nov 27 22:01:20 CET 2009)

I have also tried to convert date1 into a Date class without success

So what is the correct HQL code ? Should I convert to a specific format (which one?) using the patternForStyle method or is there another -cleaner- way to do it?



like image 234
fabien7474 Avatar asked Dec 04 '09 21:12


People also ask

How do I use datediff in HQL?

HQL doesn't support datediff, but if you still want to use datediff, you should use createNativeQuery() or createSQLQuery() to write that in sql. In your example, you just need the id anyway, not entity object, so this should be enough.

1 Answers

I'm no Grails expert, but in java you'd normally make date1 and date2 query parameters and bind them as such:

String hql = "select * from Book as b where b.releaseDate > :date1 and b.releaseDate < :date2";
session.createQuery(hql).setDate("date1", date1).setDate("date2", date2).list();

I'm sure you can do something similar in Grails. If not, format your dates as yyyyMMddhhmmss (no spaces) and enclose them in single quotes - that way Hibernate would treat them as constants and MySQL will implicitly convert them to dates.

like image 78
ChssPly76 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10
