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How to query a DataTable in memory to fill another data table

I am trying to update a Microsoft report. What it does is write out how many clients where excluded from a conversion process and for what reason. Currently the program writes all of the deleted clients back to the server then queries it back to fill a specialty table with the results.

Here is the current query:

SELECT  DeletedClients.Reason, 
        COUNT(DeletedClients.Reason) AS Number, 
        CAST(CAST(COUNT(DeletedClients.Reason) AS float) 
            / CAST(t.Total AS float) 
            * 100 AS numeric(4, 1)) AS percentage
FROM DeletedClients CROSS JOIN
    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total
    FROM DeletedClients AS DeletedClients_1
    WHERE (ClinicID = @ClinicID)) AS t
WHERE (DeletedClients.ClinicID = @ClinicID) 
    AND (DeletedClients.TotalsIdent = @ident)
GROUP BY DeletedClients.Reason, t.Total

What I would like to do is not write DeletedClients to the server as it already exists in memory in my program as a DataTable and it is just slowing down the report and filling the database with information we do not need to save.

My main question is this, Either :

How do I query a data table to make a new in memory data table that has the same results as if I wrote out the the SQL server and read it back in with the query above?


How in Microsoft Reports do you do a group by clause for items in a Tablix to turn =Fields!Reason.Value =Fields!Number.Value =Fields!percentage.Value into something similar to the returned result from the query above?

like image 779
Scott Chamberlain Avatar asked Aug 18 '11 14:08

Scott Chamberlain

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1 Answers

You can use DataTable.Select to query the DataTable.

DataTable table = GetDataTableResults();
DataTable results = table.Select("SomeIntColumn > 0").CopyToDataTable();

Or for more complex queries, you can use LINQ to query the DataTable:

DataTable dt = GetDataTableResults();

var results = from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
              group row by new { SomeIDColumn = row.Field<int>("SomeIDColumn") } into rowgroup
              select new
                  SomeID = rowgroup.Key.SomeIDColumn,
                  SomeTotal = rowgroup.Sum(r => r.Field<decimal>("SomeDecimalColumn"))

DataTable queryResults = new DataTable();
foreach (var result in query)
    queryResults.Rows.Add(new object[] { result.SomeID, result.SomeTotal });
like image 173
James Johnson Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

James Johnson