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How to put an image on top of the view of the camera with react-native


People also ask

How do I overlay images in react native?

To add a transparent overlay in React Native, we can use the ImageBackground component. to add an ImageBackground with the source set to an object with the uri of the background image. And we add the backgroundImage style that sets opacity to 0.3 to add a transparent overlay over the image.

How do I get an image uri in react native?

To load images in react native from URL you must specify the image width, and height. React native cannot determine the width and height from downloaded images. After specifying width, and height we can specify the URL to the image source prop. Inside this prop we will specify a uri which holds our image URL.

I'm interested in putting a view on top of the camera view with React-Native, something similar to this: snapchat lenses

Is there a plugin or an approachable way to do this?, for now, I'm only interested in putting an image and recognize a certain person in a room? (4 people are in the same room, and if I point to one, display text A, if I point to other, display text B, and so on)