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Sending double quotes and backslash in Graphql request

I want to send double quote(") and back slash(\ ) in Graphql request and want to get it back in response.

Please check bellow example:

mutation M { 
        name: "Harsha Vardhan"
        username: "Harsha143", 
        email: "[email protected]",
        description: "Cool "boy" \n And good looking."

In above Mutation I want to send double quotes and back slash in description. Please guide me to overcome this.

Thanks in advance.

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Harsha Vardhan Avatar asked Jun 08 '16 17:06

Harsha Vardhan

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1 Answers

You should try to escape those characters like so

mutation M { 
        name: "Harsha Vardhan"
        username: "Harsha143", 
        email: "[email protected]",
        description: "Cool \"boy\" \\n And good looking."

Hope that helps!

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vince Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
