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How to put a node in the center of the dot-generated graph

With the following dot code

digraph DG {
    G -> V;
    G -> E;
    G -> P;
    G -> C;

I generate the following graph

dot-generated graph

How could I move the node G in the centre? That is I wish to get something like this: wished result

p.s. My experiments with setting the rank of the edge didn't work out.

like image 526
Max Li Avatar asked Feb 07 '15 15:02

Max Li

1 Answers

For the general case, the easiest thing to do is to use twopi or neato instead of dot as your layout engine.


twopi layout



If you're truly confined to dot, this will give you close to what you want, though you'll have to customize each graph.

digraph g 
    P -> G [dir=back];
    subgraph clusterGVE {
        {rank=same V; G; E;}
        G -> V [constraint=false];
        G -> E;
    G -> C;


like image 75
Dan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 13:11
