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How to put a delete button for an object in a Primefaces data table?




I have a data table with a couple of rows and I have a column where I have a form with a simple button that deletes the object in that row.

So first the working version:

<h:dataTable value="#{actorTableBackingBean.allActors}" 
    var="actor" styleClass="table table-bordered">

    <h:column headerText="Actor Name" sortBy="#{actor.firstName}">
        <h:outputText value="#{actor.firstName}"/>

    <h:column headerText="Actor Detail">
            <h:commandButton value="Delete Actor" 
                styleClass="btn btn-primary" 

And this is what deleteActor method looks like:

public String deleteActor(String id){
    return "/allActors.xhtml";

private void removeActorWithId(String id){
    int idk = Integer.parseInt(id);
    for(Actor a:allActors){
        if(a.getActorId() == idk){

So this exactly works as expected as it is.

However, when I use a Pagination Data table of Primefaces as shown in here, delete button works only for the FIRST ROW in the second case and only for the first time. When I click on button "Delete" for other rows, simply nothing happens. What might be the reason?

For second situation just put the < form > tags around p:dataTable as seen in the link and replace everything like h:dataTable to p:dataTable and p:column etc...

like image 948
Koray Tugay Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 19:07

Koray Tugay

2 Answers

I would suggest that you make the form tag contain your datatable. This works:

<h:form id="actorsTableForm">
            <p:dataTable id="actorsTable" var="item"
                value="#{actorsMB.actorList}" selectionMode="single"
                rowKey="#{item.description}" paginator="true" rows="10"
                paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport}  {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}"
                rowsPerPageTemplate="5,10,15" paginatorPosition="bottom">
                <p:column headerText="Actor Id" >
                    <h:outputText value="#{item.id}" />
                <p:column headerText="Actor Description">
                    <h:outputText value="#{item.description}" />
                    <p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-trash"
                        title="Delete this actor"
                        ajax="false" />

And the method in the managed bean:

public void remove(Actor actor) {
    try {
        actorList = actorService.searchAll();
    } catch (Exception e) {

Hope it helps.

like image 99
theCowboy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


Following code might help you.

Your xhtml code should be like this

         <h:dataTable value="#{actorTableBackingBean.allActors}" 
            var="actor" styleClass="table table-bordered">

            <h:column headerText="Actor Name" sortBy="#{actor.firstName}">
                <h:outputText value="#{actor.firstName}"/>

            <h:column headerText="Actor Detail">
                <h:commandButton value="Delete Actor" 
                        styleClass="btn btn-primary" 


You have to add one DataTable variable in bean file

private javax.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable dataTable;

public HtmlDataTable getDataTable() {
    return dataTable;

public void setDataTable(HtmlDataTable dataTable) {
    this.dataTable = dataTable;

Your delete method should be like this

public String deleteActor(){
    Actor model = (Actor) dataTable.getRowData();
    return "/allActors.xhtml";

private void removeActorWithId(Actor model){
like image 21
Ravi Kavaiya Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Ravi Kavaiya