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How to publish sphinx-generated documentation on bitbucket wiki automatically?

I have a python package with sphinx-generated documentation (using the automodules feature) and it can be made into a set of static html pages sitting in a _build directory in the git repository of the project. I would like to view this documentation in pretty and private way on bitbucket. It seems the wiki which is a git repo itself might be usable for that.

Is there an easy step of sequences that can make/convert my html documentation into markup and push it to the bitbucket wiki repository?

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DrSAR Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 00:02


People also ask

What is Sphinx rst?

RST stands for ReStructured Text. It is the standard markup language used for documenting python packages. Sphinx is the Python package that generates an html website from RST files, and it is what we are using to generate this site.

What is Sphinx build?

sphinx-build generates documentation from the files in <sourcedir> and places it in the <outputdir> . sphinx-build looks for <sourcedir>/conf.py for the configuration settings. sphinx-quickstart(1) may be used to generate template files, including conf.py . sphinx-build can create documentation in different formats.

What is Sphinx code?

The Sphinx Code is a system that blends ancient knowledge from various esoteric, scientific, and metaphysical traditions and synthesizes the wisdom into a practical tool for self-development, personal empowerment, and self-realization.

1 Answers

Unfortunately this is not really possible...

You can push your _build dir to the wiki repo and create links in the wiki (Home.rst) to your html files like so:

`Sphinx docs <_build/html/index.html>`_

And it will display them but inclusion of _static css/js files won't work, so your docs will look ugly :(

You could also publish your docs as a website on BitBucket but there's no privacy, your docs will be public even if your repo is private, so this is not very useful, then you can just go with read the docs...

Read the docs actually supports privacy so you could add your docs in a private mode and add a Webhook in BitBucket. This unfortunately only works with public repos so not a great solution either...

P.S. There's a reusable app that allows you to privately serve your sphinx docs from django (protected): django-docs ;) And you can build those from your bitbucket *.rst files...

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littlepea Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
