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How to publish an app privately on Google Play Store?

I want to publish an app privately, that means app should not showing when user search on Google Play Store.

I want to share app link to user and then user will be download the app on Google Play Store.

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Saurabh Avatar asked Aug 11 '18 01:08


People also ask

How do you distribute private apps?

Go to Release > Setup > Advanced settings. Select the Managed Google Play tab. In Organizations, click Add organization. For each organization that you want to publish the app to, enter the Organization ID and a description (or name) and click Add.

Can you publish your app to limited users?

Can I publish an app to a specific group of users? No. But you can publish an app targeting a specific country or specific device models.

How much does it cost to publish an app on Google Play?

Google Play console is kind of a backend controlling center, from where developers submit Play Store apps for Android. There is a one-time fee of $25 by which a developer can open an account, loaded with functions and control features. After paying this one-time fee, you can submit apps to Google Play Store for free.

1 Answers

There are three options.

  • The first option is to integrate with the EMM API, sometimes called "Managed Play". This is designed for companies to publish private apps to their users.
  • If you use Managed Play you can also publish Self-hosted private apps.
  • Another option is to use a closed testing track. This is sometimes called Alpha or Beta testing, and that is what it is designed for - not for publishing private apps. An app which is only published on a closed track is not visible in search on the Play store. And testing users can't rate or review it. However since it is designed for testing users have to opt-in. You probably don't want this option, as it isn't designed for publishing private apps.

The first option is probably best, but it depends on the reason you want to do a private app.

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Nick Fortescue Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

Nick Fortescue