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How to properly update a managed entity using data from a non-managed entity?


My goal is to perform an update on a managed entity using data from an object of the same class, but non-managed by Doctrine.

This would be cool if it was possible to perform a "simple update", when replacing attributes, but in fact, if I clean an ArrayCollection, old data seems not to be removed (even if I clean all references of the fiddle from elements of the ArrayCollection or if orphanRemoval is set to true).

But let's enter a specific example. I have this entity with lots of OneToOne / OneToMany relations to represent a fiddle. I can import fiddle samples (previously exported as json from another environment) using a Symfony2 command.

If the sample already exist, how can I update it properly?

The bad idea: doing DELETE + INSERT

I build my entity using the following code (reduced) :

$fiddle = new Fiddle();
$fiddle->setHash($this->get($json, 'hash'));
$fiddle->setRevision($this->get($json, 'revision'));

$context = $fiddle->getContext();
$context->setFormat($this->get($json, 'context', 'format'));
$context->setContent($this->get($json, 'context', 'content'));

$jsonTemplates = $this->get($json, 'templates') ? : array ();
foreach ($jsonTemplates as $jsonTemplate)
    $template = new FiddleTemplate();
    $template->setFilename($this->get($jsonTemplate, 'filename'));
    $template->setContent($this->get($jsonTemplate, 'content'));
    $template->setIsMain($this->get($jsonTemplate, 'is-main'));

// ...

I can now persist my entity after removing it if it already exists:

    $check = $this
       ->getFiddle($fiddle->getHash(), $fiddle->getRevision());

    if (!is_null($check->getId()))


But this will create a DELETE + INSERT instead of an UPDATE if sample already exist. This is weird because users can bookmark fiddles and the relation is made by id.

The ugly idea: doing an UPDATE on main entity and OneToOne relations, and DELETE + INSERT on OneToMany relations

I get my fiddle first, and if it already exists, I clean it and fill it with the new data... Code works well but is really ugly, you can check it here.

As a sample, check out the tags property: as tags might have been removed / changed, I should properly set new tags, by replacing the older by the newer.

// remove the old tags
foreach ($fiddle->getTags() as $tag)
   if (\Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork::STATE_MANAGED === $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($tag))

// set the new tags
$tags = new ArrayCollection();
$jsonTags = $this->getFromArray($json, 'tags');
foreach ($jsonTags as $jsonTag)
   $tag = new FiddleTag();

As tags are referenced using fiddle's id, I can use ->remove even if that's ugly. This is OK here but if ids were autogenerated, there must be better solutions.

I also tried to simply set old fiddle's id to the new one and merge, but this leaded to the following exception:

Notice: Undefined index: 00000000125168f2000000014b64e87f


More than a simple "import feature", I want to use this update style to bind forms to non-managed entities and update existing entities only if required. So my goal is to make something generic applicable to all kind of entities.

But I of course don't expect the whole code. The good practice to deal with managed ArrayCollection's updates, and some hints/warnings about what I should consider before coding this feature should be enough.

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Alain Tiemblo Avatar asked Jan 19 '15 18:01

Alain Tiemblo

1 Answers

Controlling what Doctrine persists

Update existing entities only if required.

This can be achieved fairly simple with Doctrine:

What you're looking for is the Change Tracking Policy Deferred Explicit.

Doctrine will by default use the Change Tracking Policy Deferred Implicit. This means that when you call $em->flush(), Doctrine will go over all of its managed entities to calculate change-sets. Then all changes are persisted.

When using the Change Tracking Policy Deferred Explicit and call $em->flush(), Doctrine will only go over the entities you've explicitly called $em->persist() on. In other words: You could have thousands of managed entities, called $em->persist() on 2 of them, and Doctrine will only calculate the change-sets of those 2 (and persist changes if needed).

The Change Tracking Policy can be set on an entity-class level. So if you want a certain entity class to use Deferred Explicit, simply add an annotation to the class doc-block:

 * @Entity
 * @ChangeTrackingPolicy("DEFERRED_EXPLICIT")
class Fiddle

Then it's just a matter of only calling $em->persist($fiddle) when you really need to.

It's probably wise to set the same Change Tracking Policy for an entire aggregate (the root entity and all of its children).

PS: There's also a third Change Tracking Policy named Notify, which is a bit more work to set up, but gives you even more fine-grained control over what's persisted when calling $em->flush(). But I don't think you need to go this far.

Updating the Fiddle

Seeing the code you use to update the Fiddle entity, I think you can improve some things there.

First move the responsibility of managing associations back to the entity:

 * @Entity
 * @ChangeTrackingPolicy("DEFERRED_EXPLICIT")
class Fiddle
    // ...

     * @return FiddleTag[]
    public function getTags()
        return $this->tags->toArray();

     * @param FiddleTag $tag
    public function addTag(FiddleTag $tag)
        if (!$this->tags->contains($tag)) {

     * @param FiddleTag $tag
    public function removeTag(FiddleTag $tag)
        if ($this->tags->contains($tag)) {

     * @param FiddleTag[] $newTags
    public function replaceTags(array $newTags)
        $currentTags = $this->getTags();

        // remove tags that are not in the new list of tags
        foreach ($currentTags as $currentTag) {
            if (!in_array($currentTag, $newTags, true)) {

        // add tags that are not in the current list of tags
        foreach ($newTags as $newTag) {
            if (!in_array($newTag, $currentTags, true)) {

    // ...

Now the code in your ImportCommand can look something like this:

$jsonTags = $this->getFromArray($json, 'tags');
$newTags  = [];

foreach ($jsonTags as $jsonTag) {
    $tag = $tagRepo->findOneByTag($jsonTag);

    if ($tag === null) {
        $tag = new FiddleTag();

    $newTags[] = $tag;


Then when everything is ok and can be persisted, do:


foreach ($fiddle->getTags() as $tag) {


When you have configured cascade=persist on the association, you should be able to leave out the loop that manually persists the tags.

Pro tip

You could have a look at the JMS Serializer library, and the Bundle that integrates it into Symfony.

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Jasper N. Brouwer Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Jasper N. Brouwer