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How to properly redirect (while setting a cookie) in MVC3/Razor?

First off, I get the feeling that Response.Redirect is just a leftover from classic ASP, and I should be using something else in the MVC paradigm.

And second, while my current implementation of Response.Redirect IS working, it doesn't set the cookie I want it to. I'm assuming this is because the header gets wiped out instead of sent to the client on redirect.

Here is what I have so far:

    public ActionResult Login(FormCollection form)
        User user;
        string sessionKey;

        if (UserManager.Login(form["Email"], form["Password"]))
            // Login stuff here

            // Remember user's email
            Response.Cookies["Email"].Value = form["Email"];
            Response.Cookies["Email"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(31);

            // Redirect to homepage
like image 361
Neil N Avatar asked Jun 16 '11 13:06

Neil N

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1 Answers

The proper way to redirect in MVC is return RedirectToAction("Home", "Index").

The cookies should work.

like image 187
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10
