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How to properly introduce a light/dark mode in Bootstrap?

I use Bootstrap 4.5 and use bg-dark in my HTML template. I would like to implement a "light/dark" switch.

So, Bootstrap has a bg-light css class, but I am not sure what the current approach how to use it. Let me clarify my confusion:

  1. Am I supposed to replace all occurrences of bg-dark with bg-light once the "switch" is turned on?

  2. If I want to slightly modify the colors of bg-light and bg-dark, is "Theming" the right approach? I can't find any examples to override these variables (via SASS), except of manually overwrite them in my CSS like .bg-dark { ... }

Thank you very much!

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Daniel Stephens Avatar asked Jul 24 '20 23:07

Daniel Stephens

People also ask

Does bootstrap support dark mode?

Conversation. Dark mode support is (finally 😅) coming to Bootstrap 5! While it's still a couple releases away, I'm excited about some new ideas and approaches for global theme changes thanks to CSS variables. Lots to do, but feel free to follow along!

How to implement Dark mode for Bootstrap?

Implementing dark mode for bootstrap is a long task as there are multiple variables that need to be changed.The simplier aproach will be using var () with .dark/.light in root, but still there are functions of bootstrap that needs a color to function properly.

Is there a class switch for Dark/Light in Bootstrap?

Example test-nightfall.html and test-nightshade.html has a class switch for dark/light that you can modify to change the bg-* class instead. Thanks vino, I found this but didn't know if this was the right way to go for me. I was wondering if that limits me to use this specific bootstrap version since I use v4.5 and might switch to v5 soon

How to change the color of the text in Bootstrap?

The text color also changes depending on the lighting mode. Local storage is used to save preferences under the name lightSwitch. An experimental dark mode switch (dark theme) for Bootstrap 5 that allows the visitor to switch between dark/light themes and saves user preferences in local storage.

How to switch between dark and light mode with CSS and JavaScript?

Switch between dark and light mode with CSS and JavaScript. Click the button to toggle between dark and light mode for this page. Use any element that should store the content you want to toggle the design for. In our example, we will use <body> for the sake of simplicity: Style the <body> element and create a .dark-mode class for toggle:

Video Answer

2 Answers

Bootstrap 5 (update 2021)

Although there is still no definitive support for light/dark mode in Bootstrap 5, SASS can be used to create a dark theme

Bootstrap 4

Here are some answers to your question on Bootstrap light or dark mode:

"Am I supposed to replace all occurrences of bg-dark with bg-light once the "switch" is turned on?"

Yes, but you'd probably also want to switch all -light and -dark classes such as text-dark, navbar-dark, btn-dark, etc..

If I want to slightly modify the colors of bg-light and bg-dark.. I can't find any examples to override these variables (via SASS), except of manually overwrite them in my CSS like .bg-dark...

These are derived from $light and $dark SASS variables so you can change them like this...

$light: #dddddd;
$dark: #011100;

@import "bootstrap";

Demo Bootstrap Light Dark Mode Switch

Also see:
Customizing Bootstrap CSS template
How to extend/modify (customize) Bootstrap 4 with SASS

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Zim Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10


Bootstrap 4 and 5 do not support Dark Mode. Maybe they will in Bootstrap 6.

Dark Mode is a confusing name in this context because Bootstrap does support a color, $dark: $gray-900, and, it does support several dark-tinted classes, like .bg-dark. But none of these are actual Dark Mode, which is OS-driven, passed-to-browser, website rendering switching based on:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {

Worse, things like bg-dark imply you would switch to Dark Mode by going around swapping class names out, probably via Javascript. That's a lot of CPU usage to perform a browser built-in, all because the Bootstrap authors ignored an important feature of the Web. Don't do this!

All of this is detailed in a much longer way here.

That will leave you with a lot of options, but in short for Bootstrap 4 and 5 the best, simplest, least-effort way to handle proper prefers-color-scheme: dark is to introduce an indirection into Bootstrap colors by reassigning the Bootstrap color SASS variables you're using to color CSS variables, in your _variables.scss. CSS Variables have been supported for years, are perfect for Dark Mode, and largely overlooked. For example:

:root {
    --body-bg: #fff;
    --body-color: #000;

$white: var(--body-bg);
$black: var(--body-color);
$body-color: var(--body-color);

So far all you've done is create indirection - $white still renders as #fff just like in the default Bootstrap. But now you can flip it when the OS flips:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    --body-bg: #000;
    --body-color: #fff;

Now when the OS gets set to Dark Mode, the browser sees it and flips that media query, and your CSS variables flip. Since you've spread those variables into the compiled Bootstrap SASS via your _variables overrides, you'll see the result in rendered Bootstrap.

I did say simplest and least-effort, but you've probably noticed this is still going to be a lot of work. Bootstrap 4 and 5 just completely missed the boat on this, so, the legwork is on you. You'll need to override every color in Bootstrap you use and introduce CSS variables for them, and you'll then need to test to find colors that aren't keyed off of any variables, and go override those with a follow-up global stylesheet.

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Chris Moschini Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

Chris Moschini