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How to properly handle multiple binary files in python?




I'm currently working on a multi-threaded downloader with help of PycURL module. I am downloading parts of the files and merging them afterwards.

The parts are downloaded separately from multiple threads , they are written to temporary files in binary mode, but when I merge them into single file(they are merged in correct order) , the checksums do not match.

This only happens in linux env. The same script works flawlessly in Windows env.

This is the code(part of the script) that merges the files:

with open(filename,'wb') as outfile:
    print('Merging temp files ...')
    for tmpfile in self.tempfile_arr:
        with open(tmpfile, 'rb') as infile:
            shutil.copyfileobj(infile, outfile)

I tried write() method as well , but it results with same issue, and it will take a lot of memory for large files.

If I manually cat the part files into a single file in linux, then file's checksum matches, the issue is with python's merging of files.

Here are the files and checksums(sha256) that I used to reproduce the issue:

  • Original file
    • HASH: 158575ed12e705a624c3134ffe3138987c64d6a7298c5a81794ccf6866efd488
  • file merged by script
    • HASH: c3e5a0404da480f36d37b65053732abe6d19034f60c3004a908b88d459db7d87
  • file merged manually using cat

    • HASH: 158575ed12e705a624c3134ffe3138987c64d6a7298c5a81794ccf6866efd488
    • Command used:

      for i in /tmp/pycurl_*_{0..7}; do cat $i >> manually_merged.tar.gz; done
  • Part files - numbered at the end, from 0 through 7

like image 292
Saumyakanta Sahoo Avatar asked Dec 28 '19 16:12

Saumyakanta Sahoo

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Python File I/O - Read and Write Files. In Python, the IO module provides methods of three types of IO operations; raw binary files, buffered binary files, and text files. The canonical way to create a file object is by using the open() function.

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1 Answers

A minimally reproducible case would be convenient, but I'd suspect universal newlines to be the issue: by default, if your files are windows-style text (newlines are \r\n) they're going to get translated to Unix-style newlines (\n) on reading. And then those unix-style newlines are going to get written back to the output file rather than the Windows-style ones you were expecting. That would explain the divergence between python and cat (which'd do no translation whatsoever).

Try to run your script passing newline='' (the empty string) to open.

like image 57
Masklinn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
