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How to programmatically install a NuGet package?




I want to programmatically install a NuGet package to a project, and update the .csproj file, and the packages.config file.

I am using the official Nuget.core framework which source code is available here: https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet2

I am not using the NuGet package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NuGet.Core/ But the source code found on GitHub to be able to do some debugging.

Note: I am using the version 2.11 and not the 2.13

I am able to download a package at a desired directory and update the packages.config file:

// ---- Download and install a package at a desired path ----
string packageID = "Newtonsoft.json";
var sourceUri = new Uri("https://packages.nuget.org/api/v2");

// Return an IPackage
var package = GetNugetPackage(packageID, sourceUri);

IPackageRepository sourceRepository = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(sourceUri.ToString());

string packagesPath = "../../TestFiles/packages";
PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager(sourceRepository, packagesPath);

packageManager.InstallPackage(packageID, SemanticVersion.Parse(package.Version.ToFullString()));

// ---- Update the ‘packages.config’ file ----
var packageReferenceFile = new PackageReferenceFile("../../TestFiles/packages.config");

// Get the target framework of the current project to add --> targetframework="net452" attribute in the package.config file
var currentTargetFw = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TargetFrameworkAttribute), false);
var targetFrameworkAttribute = ((TargetFrameworkAttribute[])currentTargetFw).FirstOrDefault();

// Update the packages.config file    
packageReferenceFile.AddEntry(package.GetFullName(), SemanticVersion.Parse(package.Version.ToFullString()), false, new FrameworkName(targetFrameworkAttribute.FrameworkName));

Now I need to update the .csproj and here is the tricky part...

Here's what I tried so far:

string csprojFilePath = "../../TestFiles/test.csproj";
var project = new MSBuildProjectSystem(csprojFilePath);

string pathToAnExistingNugetPackageDll = "../../TestFiles/packages/Newtonsoft.json/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.json.dll"

project.AddReference(pathToAnExistingNugetPackageDll, Stream.Null);

This piece of code update the .csproj file, it add a new reference node like this:

<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.json">

But I need a complete reference node like this:

<Reference Include="Newtonsoft.json, Version=9.0.8, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f4f7d11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

How can I do it ?

like image 915
Thomas Avatar asked Jan 23 '17 10:01


2 Answers

Thanks to @MattWard and @bashis, i've written my own code generator:

So, to add properly a reference into a given .csproj here's what I do:

var CsprojDoc = new XmlDocument();
var Nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(CsprojDoc.NameTable);
Nsmgr.AddNamespace("x", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003");

IPackage packageInfos = GetNugetPackage(packageId, packageRepositoryUri);

XmlNode referenceNode = CsprojDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Reference", XmlNamespaceValue);
XmlAttribute includeAttribute = CsprojDoc.CreateAttribute("Include");

var targetFwProfile = CsprojDoc.SelectSingleNode("//x:TargetFrameworkProfile", Nsmgr);
string targetFrameworkProfile = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFwProfile?.InnerXml))
    targetFrameworkProfile = targetFwProfile.InnerXml;

var targetFwAttribute = GetTargetFrameworkFromCsproj();
Regex p = new Regex(@"\d+(\.\d+)+");
Match m = p.Match(targetFwAttribute.FrameworkName);
Version targetFwVersion = Version.Parse(m.Value);

// Get the package's assembly reference matching the target framework from the given '.csproj'.
var assemblyReference =
        .Where(a => a.TargetFramework.Identifier.Equals(targetFwAttribute.FrameworkName.Split(',').First()))
        .Where(a => a.TargetFramework.Profile.Equals(targetFrameworkProfile))
        .Last(a => (a.TargetFramework.Version.Major.Equals(targetFwVersion.Major) && a.TargetFramework.Version.Minor.Equals(targetFwVersion.Minor)) ||

DownloadNugetPackage(packageInfos.Id, packageRepositoryUri, packagesFolderPath, packageInfos.Version.ToFullString());

string dllAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath($"{packagesFolderPath}\\{packageInfos.GetFullName().Replace(' ', '.')}\\{assemblyReference.Path}");
var assemblyInfos = Assembly.LoadFile(dllAbsolutePath);

includeAttribute.Value = $"{assemblyInfos.FullName}, processorArchitecture=MSIL";


XmlNode hintPathNode = CsprojDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "HintPath", XmlNamespaceValue);
XmlNode privateNode = CsprojDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Private", XmlNamespaceValue);

hintPathNode.InnerXml = $"$(SolutionDir)\\packages\\{assemblyReference.Path}";
privateNode.InnerXml = "True";

var itemGroupNode = CsprojDoc.SelectSingleNode("//x:Project/x:ItemGroup/x:Reference", Nsmgr).ParentNode;

Here's my DownloadNugetPackage method:

private static void DownloadNugetPackage(string packageId, Uri repoUri, string packagesFolderPath, string version)
    IPackageRepository packageRepository = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(repoUri.ToString());
    PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager(packageRepository, packagesFolderPath);

    packageManager.InstallPackage(packageId, SemanticVersion.Parse(version));

My GetTargetFrameworkFromCsproj

    public static TargetFrameworkAttribute GetTargetFrameworkFromCsproj()
        XmlNode targetFrameworkNode = CsprojDoc.SelectSingleNode("//x:TargetFrameworkVersion", Nsmgr);
        return new TargetFrameworkAttribute($".NETFramework, Version={targetFrameworkNode.InnerXml}");

And my GetNugetPackage method:

public static IPackage GetNugetPackage(string packageId, Uri repoUri, string version = null)
    IPackageRepository packageRepository = PackageRepositoryFactory.Default.CreateRepository(repoUri.ToString());
    IPackage package;

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
        package = packageRepository.FindPackagesById(packageId).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Version.ToFullString().Equals(version));
        package = packageRepository.FindPackagesById(packageId).SingleOrDefault(p => p.IsLatestVersion);

    return package;

Note: This time, i'm using the official NuGet package: Nuget.core 2.14: https://www.nuget.org/packages/NuGet.Core/

Note 2: When I add a new Reference node, in the processorArchitecture attribute, I've hard coded the value: MSIL

If you want to test it, you might tweak it a bit.

This work fine for me.

like image 72
Thomas Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10


(Assuming you are writing the code generator on your own)

I am not sure this is the best solution but you could try something like this:

var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile("path_to_dll");
string info = assembly.FullName; // contains something like "AssemblyName, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=foobar"

which will add some overhead by loading the assembly, but will presumably do the job.

like image 39
bashis Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
