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How to programmatically enumerate an enum type?

Say I have a TypeScript enum, MyEnum, as follows:

enum MyEnum {     First,     Second,     Third } 

What would be the best way in TypeScript 0.9.5 to produce an array of the enum values? Example:

var choices: MyEnum[]; // or Array<MyEnum> choices = MyEnum.GetValues(); // plans for this? choices = EnumEx.GetValues(MyEnum); // or, how to roll my own? 
like image 384
lightw8 Avatar asked Jan 22 '14 20:01


People also ask

Can you iterate through an enum C#?

An enum can be looped through using Enum. GetNames<TEnum>() , Enum. GetNames() , Enum.

Is enumerate a data type in Python?

Enum is a class in python for creating enumerations, which are a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. The members of an enumeration can be compared by these symbolic anmes, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. An enum has the following characteristics.

1 Answers

This is the JavaScript output of that enum:

var MyEnum; (function (MyEnum) {     MyEnum[MyEnum["First"] = 0] = "First";     MyEnum[MyEnum["Second"] = 1] = "Second";     MyEnum[MyEnum["Third"] = 2] = "Third"; })(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {})); 

Which is an object like this:

{     "0": "First",     "1": "Second",     "2": "Third",     "First": 0,     "Second": 1,     "Third": 2 } 

Enum Members with String Values

TypeScript 2.4 added the ability for enums to possibly have string enum member values. So it's possible to end up with an enum that look like the following:

enum MyEnum {     First = "First",     Second = 2,     Other = "Second" }  // compiles to var MyEnum; (function (MyEnum) {     MyEnum["First"] = "First";     MyEnum[MyEnum["Second"] = 2] = "Second";     MyEnum["Other"] = "Second"; })(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {})); 

Getting Member Names

We can look at the example immediately above to try to figure out how to get the enum members:

{     "2": "Second",     "First": "First",     "Second": 2,     "Other": "Second" } 

Here's what I came up with:

const e = MyEnum as any; const names = Object.keys(e).filter(k =>      typeof e[k] === "number"     || e[k] === k     || e[e[k]]?.toString() !== k ); 

Member Values

Once, we have the names, we can loop over them to get the corresponding value by doing:

const values = names.map(k => MyEnum[k]); 

Extension Class

I think the best way to do this is to create your own functions (ex. EnumEx.getNames(MyEnum)). You can't add a function to an enum.

class EnumEx {     private constructor() {     }      static getNamesAndValues(e: any) {         return EnumEx.getNames(e).map(n => ({ name: n, value: e[n] as string | number }));     }      static getNames(e: any) {         return Object.keys(e).filter(k =>              typeof e[k] === "number"             || e[k] === k             || e[e[k]]?.toString() !== k         );     }      static getValues(e: any) {         return EnumEx.getNames(e).map(n => e[n] as string | number);     } } 
like image 126
David Sherret Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

David Sherret