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How to profile django application with respect to execution time?

My Django application is insanely slow, I want to figure out what is taking time :

I tried Django-debug-toolbar but was unable to find a panel that can give me the break-up of the load time.

My requirements:

  • A stack-trace type output with time of execution for each module called to render the page.
  • I want to realize what part of the whole page rendering process is taking the time ?
  • Also, what part is consuming how much CPU [ MOST IMPORTANT ] ?

Can django-debug-toolbar do that ? [ What panel ? ]

Any other django-app that can do that ?

like image 846
Yugal Jindle Avatar asked May 29 '12 13:05

Yugal Jindle

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What does Django Startproject do?

The startproject will create the main project directory, while the startapp will create the app directory. Both are also been passed a name to be used in generation. The startproject is the first command run when creating a new project, while the startapp is run inside the new project directory.

How do I debug Django app?

If you want to debug Django using PTVS, you need to do the following: In Project settings - General tab, set "Startup File" to "manage.py", the entry point of the Django program. In Project settings - Debug tab, set "Script Arguments" to "runserver --noreload". The key point is the "--noreload" here.

1 Answers

django-debug-toolbar 2.0

By default, django-debug-toolbar 2.0 includes 'debug_toolbar.panels.profiling.ProfilingPanel' in the settings DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS. You can view this profiling information by ticking the "Profiling" checkbox in the toolbar and refreshing the page.

Old versions of django-debug-toolbar:

You can try the profiling panel of the django-debug-toolbar (make sure you use the application's latest version from github). Enable the panel like so in your settings.py:


This existence of this panel is not documented on the readme of django-debug-toolbar; that's why I answer here in the first place.

like image 85
ppetrid Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 11:09
