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How to print out a variable in makefile

In my makefile, I have a variable 'NDK_PROJECT_PATH', my question is how can I print it out when it compiles?

I read Make file echo displaying "$PATH" string and I tried:

@echo $(NDK_PROJECT_PATH) @echo $(value NDK_PROJECT_PATH) 

Both gives me

"build-local.mk:102: *** missing separator.  Stop." 

Any one knows why it is not working for me?

like image 305
michael Avatar asked May 09 '13 17:05


People also ask

How do I print a variable in makefile?

To use it, just set the list of variables to print on the command line, and include the debug target: $ make V="USERNAME SHELL" debug makefile:2: USERNAME = Owner makefile:2: SHELL = /bin/sh.exe make: debug is up to date. Now you can print variables by simply listing them on the command line.

What is @echo in makefile?

The ' @ ' is discarded before the line is passed to the shell. Typically you would use this for a command whose only effect is to print something, such as an echo command to indicate progress through the makefile: @echo About to make distribution files.

How can you display the value of the variables created using make command?

@enchanter You can use echo, but you would need to put it outside the foreach loop, like this: @echo -e $(foreach var,$(. VARIABLES),"$(var)=$($(var))\n") . $(foreach...) concatenates all of the values from the loop, and then executes the result.

1 Answers

You can print out variables as the makefile is read (assuming GNU make as you have tagged this question appropriately) using this method (with a variable named "var"):

$(info $$var is [${var}]) 

You can add this construct to any recipe to see what make will pass to the shell:

.PHONY: all all: ; $(info $$var is [${var}])echo Hello world 

Now, what happens here is that make stores the entire recipe ($(info $$var is [${var}])echo Hello world) as a single recursively expanded variable. When make decides to run the recipe (for instance when you tell it to build all), it expands the variable, and then passes each resulting line separately to the shell.

So, in painful detail:

  • It expands $(info $$var is [${var}])echo Hello world
  • To do this it first expands $(info $$var is [${var}])
    • $$ becomes literal $
    • ${var} becomes :-) (say)
    • The side effect is that $var is [:-)] appears on standard out
    • The expansion of the $(info...) though is empty
  • Make is left with echo Hello world
    • Make prints echo Hello world on stdout first to let you know what it's going to ask the shell to do
  • The shell prints Hello world on stdout.
like image 115
bobbogo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
