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How to print a json in Smarty





Am getting a json from an api, how to print the json using Smarty.

Json format

        "first_name": "jinu",
        "last_name": "mk",
        "loginid": "jinu@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "c964ef415f157ddd99173f5b481ee1e3",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar second",
        "last_name": "test",
        "loginid": "avatar2@gmail.com",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": "3",
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar testing admin",
        "last_name": "amt 1",
        "loginid": "avatar@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null

I have tired the following foreach but its not printing anything.

{foreach from=$games item=foo}

Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks

like image 710
Dibish Avatar asked Jul 23 '14 11:07


2 Answers

You have 2 possible solutions.

First solution

in PHP you use:

$data = '[
        "first_name": "jinu",
        "last_name": "mk",
        "loginid": "jinu@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "c964ef415f157ddd99173f5b481ee1e3",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar second",
        "last_name": "test",
        "loginid": "avatar2@gmail.com",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": "3",
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar testing admin",
        "last_name": "amt 1",
        "loginid": "avatar@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null


In Smarty you use:

{foreach from=$games|json_decode item=foo}

However I'm not sure in this case if json_decode is run on $games just once or on each invocation.

Second solution

In PHP you use:

$data = '[
        "first_name": "jinu",
        "last_name": "mk",
        "loginid": "jinu@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "c964ef415f157ddd99173f5b481ee1e3",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar second",
        "last_name": "test",
        "loginid": "avatar2@gmail.com",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": "3",
        "last_login_date": null
        "first_name": "avatar testing admin",
        "last_name": "amt 1",
        "loginid": "avatar@amt.in",
        "timezone": "5.5",
        "team_id": "ec40f5feda8643135bc20be44f897b03",
        "user_type": 1,
        "last_login_date": null


In Smarty file:

{foreach from=$games item=foo}

I always recommend using second method, because if possible in Smarty you should avoid using any calculations and just display data.

like image 126
Marcin Nabiałek Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Marcin Nabiałek

Try the following:

{foreach from=$games item=foo}
     {assign var=bar value=$foo|json_decode:1}
like image 2
Lloyd Erasmus Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Lloyd Erasmus