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How to prevent Pycharm from formatting a line of HTML code

I have a single line of HTML code in Pycharm

<textarea name="message" placeholder="Message"><t t-esc="message"/></textarea>

This is processed in Odoo with lxml. But I don't want that Pycharm reformats the code thus:

<textarea name="message" placeholder="Message">
    <t t-esc="message"/>

because I get extra spaces around the text. Is there a way to tell Pycharm not to reformat this specific line?

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macdelacruz Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 10:03


1 Answers

So as mentioned here, I used:

<!-- Some code -->

But I had to turn on formatter markers in Settings > Editor > Code Style

Thanks Jainik Patel.

like image 194
macdelacruz Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 08:03
