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Numpy/CAPI error with import_array() when compiling multiple modules

I am trying to compile a C++ module to use in scipy.weave that is composed of several headers and source C++ files. These files contain classes and methods that extensively use the Numpy/C-API interface. But I am failing to figure out how to include import_array() successfully. I have been struggling on this for the past week and I am going nuts. I hope you could help me with it because the weave help is not very explanatory.

In practice I have first a module called pycapi_utils that contains some routines to interface C objects with Python objects. It consists of a header file pycapi_utils.h and a source file pycapi_utils.cpp such as:

#if ! defined _PYCAPI_UTILS_H
#define _PYCAPI_UTILS_H 1

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Python.h>
#include <numpy/arrayobject.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <list>

typedef std::tuple<const char*,PyObject*> pykeyval; //Tuple type (string,Pyobj*) as dictionary entry (key,val)
typedef std::list<pykeyval> kvlist;                    

//Declaration of methods
PyObject* array_double_to_pyobj(double* v_c, long int NUMEL); //Convert from array to Python list (double)



#include "pycapi_utils.h"

PyObject* array_double_to_pyobj(double* v_c, long int NUMEL){
    //Convert a double array to a Numpy array
    PyObject* out_array = PyArray_SimpleNew(1, &NUMEL, NPY_DOUBLE);
    double* v_b = (double*) ((PyArrayObject*) out_array)->data;
    for (int i=0;i<NUMEL;i++) v_b[i] = v_c[i];
    return out_array;

Then I have a further module model that contains classes and routines dealing with some mathematical model. Again it consists of a header and source file like:

#if ! defined _MODEL_H
#define _MODEL_H 1

//model class
class my_model{
    int i,j;
        double* update(double*); 

PyObject* simulate(double* input);



#include "pycapi_utils.h"
#include "model.h"

//Define class and methods


double* model::update(double* input){
    double* x = (double*)calloc(N,sizeof(double));

    // Do something

    return x;

PyObject* simulate(double* input){
    //Initialize Python interface 

    model random_network;
    double* output;

    output = random_network.update(input);
    return array_double_to_pyobj(output);  // from pycapi_utils.h     

The above code is included in a scipy.weave module in Python with

def model_py(input):
                 #include "model.h"
    code = """
           return_val = simulate(input.data());
    vars = ['input']
    out = weave.inline(code,
                       sources = source_files,

It fails to compile giving:

error: int _import_array() was not declared in this scope

Noteworthy is that if I lump into pycapi_utils.h also the source pycapi_utils.cpp, everything works fine. But I don't want to use this solution, as in practice my modules here need to be included in several other modules that also use PyObjects and need call import_array().

I was looking to this post on stack exchange, but I cannot figure out if and how to properly define the #define directives in my case. Also the example in that post is not exactly my case as there, import_array() is called within the global scope of main() whereas in my case import_array() is called within my simulate routine which is invoked by main() build by scipy.weave.

like image 629
maurizio Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 14:03


1 Answers

I had a similar problem, as the link you've posted points out, the root of all evil is that the PyArray_API is defined static, which means that each translation unit has it's own PyArray_API which is initialized with PyArray_API = NULL by default. Thus import_array() must be called once for every *.cpp file. In your case it should be sufficient to call it in pycapi_utils.cpp and also once in model.cpp. You can also test if array_import is necessary before actualy calling it with:

if(PyArray_API == NULL)
like image 140
Paul Weibert Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 22:04

Paul Weibert