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How to prevent common sub-expression elimination (CSE) with GHC

Given the program:

import Debug.Trace main = print $ trace "hit" 1 + trace "hit" 1 

If I compile with ghc -O (7.0.1 or higher) I get the output:

hit 2 

i.e. GHC has used common sub-expression elimination (CSE) to rewrite my program as:

main = print $ let x = trace "hit" 1 in x + x 

If I compile with -fno-cse then I see hit appearing twice.

Is it possible to avoid CSE by modifying the program? Is there any sub-expression e for which I can guarantee e + e will not be CSE'd? I know about lazy, but can't find anything designed to inhibit CSE.

The background of this question is the cmdargs library, where CSE breaks the library (due to impurity in the library). One solution is to ask users of the library to specify -fno-cse, but I'd prefer to modify the library.

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Neil Mitchell Avatar asked May 07 '11 09:05

Neil Mitchell

People also ask

Which of the following is an example of common subexpression elimination?

(D) x = 4 ∗ 5 => x = 20 is an example of common subexpression elimination.

How do I get rid of common subexpression?

In compiler theory, common subexpression elimination (CSE) is a compiler optimization that searches for instances of identical expressions (i.e., they all evaluate to the same value), and analyzes whether it is worthwhile replacing them with a single variable holding the computed value.

What is common subexpression and how do you eliminate it explain with example?

Common Subexpression Elimination is an optimization that searches for instances of identical expressions, and replaces them with a single variable holding the computed value. For instance, consider the following code: a <- 1 / (8 + 8 + 1 + 9 * 1 ^ 8) b <- (8 + 8 + 1 + 9 * 1 ^ 8) * 2.

2 Answers

How about removing the source of the trouble -- the implicit effect -- by using a sequencing monad that introduces that effect? E.g. the strict identity monad with tracing:

data Eval a = Done a             | Trace String a  instance Monad Eval where   return x = Done x    Done x    >>= k = k x   Trace s a >>= k = trace s (k a)  runEval :: Eval a -> a runEval (Done x) = x  track = Trace 

now we can write stuff with a guaranteed ordering of the trace calls:

main = print $ runEval $ do             t1 <- track "hit" 1             t2 <- track "hit" 1             return (t1 + t2) 

while still being pure code, and GHC won't try to get to clever, even with -O2:

    $ ./A     hit     hit     2 

So we introduce just the computation effect (tracing) sufficient to teach GHC the semantics we want.

This is extremely robust to compile optimizations. So much so that GHC optimizes the math to 2 at compile time, yet still retains the ordering of the trace statements.

As evidence of how robust this approach is, here's the core with -O2 and aggressive inlining:

main2 =   case Debug.Trace.trace string trace2 of     Done x -> case x of          I# i# -> $wshowSignedInt 0 i# []     Trace _ _ -> err  trace2 = Debug.Trace.trace string d  d :: Eval Int d = Done n  n :: Int n = I# 2  string :: [Char] string = unpackCString# "hit" 

So GHC has done everything it could to optimize the code -- including computing the math statically -- while still retaining the correct tracing.

References: the useful Eval monad for sequencing was introduced by Simon Marlow.

like image 173
Don Stewart Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Don Stewart

Reading the source code to GHC, the only expressions that aren't eligible for CSE are those which fail the exprIsBig test. Currently that means the Expr values Note, Let and Case, and expressions which contain those.

Therefore, an answer to the above question would be:

unit = reverse "" `seq` ()  main = print $ trace "hit" (case unit of () -> 1) +                trace "hit" (case unit of () -> 1) 

Here we create a value unit which resolves to (), but which GHC can't determine the value for (by using a recursive function GHC can't optimise away - reverse is just a simple one to hand). This means GHC can't CSE the trace function and it's 2 arguments, and we get hit printed twice. This works with both GHC 6.12.4 and 7.0.3 at -O2.

like image 27
Neil Mitchell Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Neil Mitchell