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how to prevent auto increment from skipping id numbers in a mysql database?

Okay, so let's say I have a mysql database table with two columns, one is for id and the other is for password. If I have three rows of data and the id values go from 1 to 3 and I delete row 3 and then create another row of data, I will see id=4 instead of id=3 on the newly created row. I know this has to do with the auto increment value but I was wondering if I can add some code in a php file that will automatically reset all the id numbers such that you start at id=1 and go up to the last id number in increments of 1 after a row has been deleted?

My goal is to create a form where the user enters a password and the system will match the password with a password value in the database. If there is a match, the row with the matched password will be deleted and the column of id numbers will be reordered such that no id numbers are skipped.

Update: I'm making a rotating banner ad system by setting a random number from 1 to 4 to a variable so that the php file will retrieve a random ad from id=1 to id=4 by using the random number variable. If the random number happens to be 3 and id=3 does not exist, there will be a gap in the row of banner ads. If there is a way to work around big gaps in this situation, please tell me. thanks in advance

like image 896
user701510 Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 12:02


1 Answers

Just execute the following SQL query:


…but it sounds like a terrible idea, so don't do it. Why is the value of your primary key so important? Uniqueness is far more important, and reseting it undermines that.

like image 103
bradley.ayers Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 12:04
