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How to practically define a lot of things based on a condition in Scheme/Racket?




I'm working in Racket but as far as I know this is the case in Scheme in general; you cannot do something like this because we are trying to define something in an expression context:

(if condition
    (define x "do a backflip")
    (define x "do a barrel roll"))

Now for this particular case I could do something like this instead:

(define x
  (if condition
      "do a backflip"
      "do a barrel roll"))

But if you have a lot of different things to define this gets really awful, because instead of

(if condition
    (begin (define x "do a backflip")
           (define y "awesome")
           (define z "shoot me"))
    (begin (define x "do a barrel roll")
           (define y "nice")
           (define z "give me sweet release")))

we get

(define x                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  (if condition
      "do a backflip"
      "do a barrel roll"))
(define y                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  (if condition
(define z                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  (if condition
      "shoot me"
      "give me sweet release"))

Which isn't as DRY as it could be, we are constantly repeating the test for condition. And the result is that if instead of testing for condition we want to check for other-condition, we have to make changes n times for n the amount of things being defined. Is there a better way to do this, and if so: How?

like image 639
Lara Avatar asked Jul 20 '17 10:07


1 Answers

Use define-values:

(define-values (x y z) (if condition
                           (values "do a backflip"    "awesome" "shoot me")
                           (values "do a barrel roll" "nice"    "give me sweet release")))
like image 195
soegaard Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
