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How to postpone a Fragment's enter transition in Android Lollipop?

In Android Lollipop, the Activity#postponeEnterTransition() and Activity#startPostponedEnterTransition() methods give the Activity the ability to delay starting the entering and exiting shared element transitions until all data is loaded. These work great for Activity transitions.

Is there a way to achieve the same effect when using Fragment transitions?

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Alex Lockwood Avatar asked Nov 17 '14 16:11

Alex Lockwood

People also ask

How do you animate fragment transitions?

At a high level, here's how to make a fragment transition with shared elements: Assign a unique transition name to each shared element view. Add shared element views and transition names to the FragmentTransaction . Set a shared element transition animation.

How do you animate a fragment?

To animate the transition between fragments, or to animate the process of showing or hiding a fragment you use the Fragment Manager to create a Fragment Transaction . Within each Fragment Transaction you can specify in and out animations that will be used for show and hide respectively (or both when replace is used).

What is transition in Android?

Android's transition framework allows you to animate all kinds of motion in your UI by simply providing the starting layout and the ending layout.

2 Answers

There's no direct equivalent in Fragment Transitions because Fragments use FragmentTransaction and we can't really postpone something that is supposed to happen in a transaction.

To get the equivalent, you can add a Fragment and hide it in a transaction, then when the Fragment is ready, remove the old Fragment and show the new Fragment in a transaction.

    .add(R.id.container, fragment2)

Later, when fragment2 is ready:

    .addSharedElement(sharedElement, "name")
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George Mount Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

George Mount

You can postpone Fragment's enter transition by doing the following:

  • Allow FragmentTransaction to re-order & optimize the transaction

      .replace(R.id.container, fragmentB)
      .addSharedElement(view, "transitionName")
      .setReorderingAllowed(true) // Set to true
  • Tell fragmentB to delay the transition after view creation

    class TransitionToFragment : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_b) {
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
      super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
      postponeEnterTransition() // Don't start enter transitions yet!
      ... // Setup your views
      (view.parent as? View)?.doOnPreDraw { startPostponedEnterTransition() } // Ok, start transitions

    view.parent.doOnPreDraw { ... } is used to ensure the fragment's views are measured and laid out for the transition. See Chris Banes's blog for more details.

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Brown Smith Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Brown Smith