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How to plot a vector field in Julia?

I want to plot a vector field in Julia. I could not find an example here. Here there are some examples using plotly, however, they do not work for me. I would like to plot the vector field by plotlyjs or plotly.

Here is an example code in Julia:

using Plots
x = collect(linspace(0,10,100));
X = repmat(x,1,length(x));
Y = repmat(x',length(x),1);
U = cos.(X.*Y);
V = sin.(X.*Y);

Here is the Matlab example:

[x,y] = meshgrid(0:0.2:2,0:0.2:2);
u = cos(x).*y;
v = sin(x).*y;


enter image description here

like image 849
MOON Avatar asked Jul 22 '18 15:07


People also ask

Which function will you use to plot vectors of a field?

We can also plot vector fields in three dimensions, i.e., for functions F:R3→R3. The principle is exactly the same; we plot vectors of length proportional to F(x,y,z) with tail anchored at the point (x,y,z).

How do you draw the plot of Julia?

add("StatsPlots") using StatsPlots # Required for the DataFrame user recipe # Now let's create the DataFrame using DataFrames df = DataFrame(a = 1:10, b = 10 * rand(10), c = 10 * rand(10)) # Plot the DataFrame by declaring the points by the column names @df df plot(:a, [:b :c]) # x = :a, y = [:b :c].

1 Answers

The short answer: use quiver from Plots.jl.

quiver(x, y, quiver=(u, v))

In the following, I'll attempt to fully recreate the example you showed in Matlab.

First, we'll import Plots and enable the plotly backend.

using Plots

We need to define a function similar to Matlab's meshgrid. Since Plots will operate on our arrays of points regardless of their dimensionality, I chose to simply use repeat and use the "flattened" outputs.

 meshgrid(x, y) = (repeat(x, outer=length(y)), repeat(y, inner=length(x)))

Now, we can create x, y, u, and v using the same logic as the Matlab code. For the sake of brevity, we can use the @. macro to vectorize all calls in the given expression.

x, y = meshgrid(0:0.2:2, 0:0.2:2)
u = @. cos(x) * y
v = @. sin(x) * y

From here, we can simply use the quiver function from Plots, passing u and v as a 2-tuple to the keyword argument quiver.

quiver(x, y, quiver=(u, v))

Initial plot

The result is close to the Matlab output, but it seems that Plots.jl scales the arrows to be longer than they are in Matlab. This is easily fixable, though; we can simply broadcast-multiply u and v by a scale constant.

scale = 0.2
u = @. scale * cos(x) * y
v = @. scale * sin(x) * y

Final plot

like image 189
Harrison Grodin Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Harrison Grodin