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What hardware limits plotting speed in R?

I would like to increase the speed of plotting, and I am happy with (and have lots of code requiring) the R graphics and ggplot packages - so I am only interested in knowing how I can configure my system to speed up plotting.


  1. Is the speed of plotting in R limited by the processor, memory, graphics card?
  2. Are there particular hardware components or configurations would increase plotting speed?

Update: Answers to questions in comments:

specs: Ubuntu 11.04, intel Core Duo, 8GB ram, but I am more generally interested in wether the graphical computation or the graphical rendering is limiting, and if so, how can I use this information.

My plots have lots of objects, but I have no idea what the computational costs of plotting is. I don't do any specific analyses while plotting (I am plotting after completing any required analyses), although I understand that some is done 'on the fly', as when plotting a smoothed line or even translating data into locations.

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David LeBauer Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 00:12

David LeBauer

1 Answers

Unless you have computer-intensive single plots, a great way to speed up multiple plotting is with parallel processing. For example, suppose you have a dataframe and you want to break it down by a certain variable (or variables) and do plots for each partition.

There are many ways to register a parallel backend so I won't go into that. See, for example, this vignette: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doSMP/vignettes/gettingstartedSMP.pdf

Then check out the function ddply in Hadley's plyr package and use the .parallel = TRUE option. That's basically it. Then just do plotting normally.

Here's a self-contained example:

#this is the particular library I chose to register a parallel backend. There are others. See the new "Parallel R" book for details.
getDoParWorkers() #This lists how many workers you have (hopefully more than 1!)

        mtcars, .variables = "vs", .fun = function(x) {
        #do your plotting now 
        example_plot <- ggplot(x, aes(y = mpg, x = wt)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE)
        #save your plot
        ggsave(paste(x$vs[1],".pdf",sep = ""), example_plot)
        .parallel = TRUE

This will save two files, 0.pdf and 1.pdf, which are the levels (ie the unique values) of the vs variable of the mtcars dataframe. If you broke it down by a variable country name then the files saved would be the names of the countries. 0.pdf and 1.pdf are as below:

enter image description here

enter image description here

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Xu Wang Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 22:10

Xu Wang