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How to pivot text columns in SQL Server?


I have a table like this in my database (SQL Server 2008)

ID      Type            Desc -------------------------------- C-0 Assets          No damage C-0 Environment     No impact C-0 People          No injury or health effect C-0 Reputation      No impact C-1 Assets          Slight damage C-1 Environment     Slight environmental damage C-1 People          First Aid Case (FAC) C-1 Reputation      Slight impact; Compaints from local community 

i have to display the Assets, People, Environment and Reputation as columns and display matched Desc as values. But when i run the pivot query, all my values are null.

Can somebody look into my query ans tell me where i am doing wrong?

Select severity_id,pt.[1] As People, [2] as Assets , [3] as Env, [4] as Rep FROM  (     select * from COMM.Consequence ) As Temp PIVOT (     max([DESCRIPTION])      FOR [TYPE] In([1], [2], [3], [4]) ) As pt 

Here is my output

ID  People  Assets   Env     Rep ----------------------------------- C-0 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL C-1 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL C-2 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL C-3 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL C-4 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL C-5 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL 
like image 409
Dinesh Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 09:04


People also ask

How do I PIVOT two columns in SQL Server?

You gotta change the name of columns for next Pivot Statement. You can use aggregate of pv3 to sum and group by the column you need. The key point here is that you create new category values by appending 1 or 2 to the end. Without doing this, the pivot query won't work properly.

How do I pivot in SQL Server?

SQL Server PIVOT operator rotates a table-valued expression. It turns the unique values in one column into multiple columns in the output and performs aggregations on any remaining column values. First, select a base dataset for pivoting. Third, apply the PIVOT operator.

How to create a pivot table query with an unknown column?

Creating a SQL Server PIVOT table query with an unknown number of columns is exactly one such case. Using the SELECT query, we’ll find all values stored in the outcome_text column. The following code – @columns += QUOTENAME (TRIM (co.outcome_text)) + ‘,’, shall append column name to the list of all previous column names returned by the query.

How do you define columns in a pivot query?

The PIVOT part of the query consists of 2 parts. In the first, we’ll define which aggregate function we want to apply. In our case, this is – COUNT (call_duration). In FOR part of the query, we’ll define columns. We literary list all the values we want to have as columns.

How do I use the pivot operator?

The following syntax summarizes how to use the PIVOT operator. The column identifiers in the UNPIVOT clause follow the catalog collation. For SQL Database, the collation is always SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. For SQL Server partially contained databases, the collation is always Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC.

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1 Answers

Select severity_id, pt.People, Assets, Environment, Reputation FROM  (     select * from COMM.Consequence ) As Temp PIVOT (     max([DESCRIPTION])      FOR [TYPE] In([People], [Assets], [Environment], [Reputation]) ) As pt 
like image 59
Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Mikael Eriksson