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Meaning of $(OutDir)


I was looking in the properties of my visual studio project and saw the following:


I was curious how does visual studio know the value of outdir and how can i see this value. Moreover, which language is this, eg C#, python? In other words, what language is $(OutDir)\$(ProjectName).exe written in

like image 897
Programmer Avatar asked Jun 17 '12 20:06


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2 Answers

$(OutDir) is a Visual Studio Build Property Macro.

You can see the values of macros using the Macros >> button in many Properties dialogs.

For instance, in Properties->General->Output Directory, click the dropdown in the value text box, choose Edit..., and in the resulting dialog, click the Macros >> button. This will give you a list of all the macros and their current values.

$(OutputDir) should be set to the output directory for the current configuration, e.g. $(SolutionDir)/$(Configuration)\.

Note that your Windows environment variables are imported as Build Property macros in your project, so in the marco list you'll see, e.g. $(Path), $(HOME), $(TEMP).

like image 86
pb2q Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09


These macros are documented by Microsoft in the topic Macros for Build Commands and Properties. (That link is for Visual Studio 2015.)

like image 44
Phil Jollans Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09

Phil Jollans