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How to persist PYTHONPATH setting of an Eclipse Pydev project?

I can setup a working PYTHONPATH using project properties, but it seems like after every reboot, I have to manually reset it. Is there a good way to persist the PYTHONPATH associated with a project?

like image 985
zer0stimulus Avatar asked Feb 12 '12 15:02


1 Answers

When you set the PYTHONPATH for a project, pydev will create a .pydevproject file in the root of your project. Make sure that file is being properly written (it could be that your project is read-only or something like that which could prevent PyDev from writing that file where the settings are persisted).

If that's not your case, please take a look if there's something reported in your error log.

like image 93
Fabio Zadrozny Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Fabio Zadrozny